Scripture Text: Ecclesiastes 9:16
But I say that wisdom is better than might, though the poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard.
Ecclesiastes 9:16
Many inventors invented things to help us live a life easier than it is. Instead of doing the old-fashioned way like man's hard work of labor, these inventors invented technology to help our life be free from exerting human strength. These inventors used their mind and their common sense with wisdom to create things such as machines, cars, transportation means, electrical systems, and computers to help us in our daily life. . This is human wisdom better than mere strength.
Here in Ecclesiastes, there is a man full of wisdom; however, he was poor. He can think of ways to avoid their city being conquered but no one can recognize his wisdom on how to save the city. His wisdom was despised and wad never heeded to. Wisdom is a very important aspect of life, especially if this wisdom comes from the Lord. It will bring about goodness in our community to live a peaceful life.
However, many people today despise the goodness of wisdom. People think so fast, they want instant decisions without analyzing the situation so at the end, the outcome is not good enough. Wisdom from God, if we hear it and apply it, will produce better results that can be used for a better future; so let us heed to the wisdom from God and apply it to our lives. Physical strength is good but wisdom is better than strength, because wisdom creates strategies on how to make things easier. Proverbs 8:10-11 says, "Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her."
That is wisdom coming from God.
1. Do you attend short courses to gain wisdom?
2. What do you want to learn more to get wisdom?
3. Do you seek godly wisdom from your elders?
Always seek the wisdom from God because it will give you rewards and success in life.
Proverb 8:1-12; Job 33:29-33; James 3:13-18; Joshua 1:6-18
Dear Lord, thank You for the wisdom You have given to us. Always protect us from harm and may Your hands always guide us in our path of life. Provide us godly wisdom so that we will be able to obey Your laws. In Jesus' Name. Amen.