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Bro. Christian Ignacio

The Warning of God to the Magi: Salvation and Protection

Scripture Text: Matthew 2:12

And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

Matthew 2:12

In our last study, Apostle Matthew showed us the amazing encounter of the Magi with the newly born Jesus. We have seen the wonderful action of the Magi's remarkable response when they saw the Messiah – they immediately worshipped Him and presented gifts.

Following this encounter, Apostle Matthew brought us to the event when God warned the Magi through dreams. They needed to leave the country to ensure their safety from King Herod's hands.

This showcases the amazing work of God. Not only did He fulfill His promises to Abraham and King David, but He also delivered His people, the Magi, from the hands of evil.

This act is a manifestation of God's salvation and protection through His people. Similar instances can be found in the Old Testament, such as the protection of the Hebrews during their exile in Egypt. God consistently shielded them, revealing His salvation, particularly during the crossing of the Red Sea, led by Moses. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, making the sea land dry. The waters were divided, allowing the people of Israel to cross.

After their crossing, Moses again stretched out his hand, causing the sea to return to its normal course. The Egyptians, fleeing into it, were thrown into the midst of the sea.

The Hebrews were saved from the hands of their enemies, illustrating the goodness, mercy, and salvation of God through His people.

Similarly, the Magi experienced God's salvation from the hands of Herod. More significantly, before rescuing them from Herod, God saved them from the first real enemy of the people – sin. God allowed them to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ and received salvation through Him, both spiritually and physically.

My fellow believers, indeed GOd always saves His people, not only from human hands, but especially from the bondage of sin.


1. Can you perceive the faithfulness of God?

2. Do you understand that God desires you to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

3. Believing that Jesus is the only way to salvation, do you affirm Him as your Lord and Savior?


God is our salvation. He saved us from the bondage of sin, choosing us to believe in His Son – Lord Jesus Christ. This happened solely through God's grace and mercy to us.


Matthew 2:12, Exodus 14, Exodus 6-7, Romans 10:9


Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace and mercy, allowing your Son to reach and save us from our sins. This overwhelming grace is beyond measure, but we accept it with gratitude. Thank you for reminding us that part of our worship is offering our lives by doing your will in this world. Empower us always as we carry out your will for the glory of Your Son. In Christ's name. Amen.

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