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Bro. Christian Ignacio

Jesus the Nazarene (Part 3)

Scripture Text: Matthew 2:23

And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he would be called a Nazarene.

Matthew 2:23 

In our last study of the letter of Apostle Matthew, we explored the fulfillment of what the prophets of God said regarding the Lord Jesus Christ being called the Nazarene. As we carefully look at the writings of Apostle Matthew, we have first seen the fulfillment spoken by Prophet King David to the Lord in one of his Psalms. Then, in the previous study, we witnessed another fulfillment spoken by the prophet of God, specifically the writing of Prophet Isaiah, foreshadowing the brutal persecution of the Messiah—who will be despised and not given any respect, much like the village of Nazareth.

Continuing our study from Apostle Matthew's writing, we gain another insight into the fulfillment spoken by Prophet Isaiah regarding the Lord Jesus Christ being called the Nazarene. Here is what Prophet Isaiah spoke: There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch (netser) from his roots shall bear fruit (Isaiah 11:1).

The Hebrew word "netser" is the origin of the modern name "Nazareth." In the language of Jewish people, they are referred to as Nazareth people or people living in the village of Nazareth as "netser," which means the branch. In connection with the Lord Jesus Christ being called Nazarene or the "Netser," this fulfillment spoken by Prophet Isaiah is a future Messianic prophecy. Isaiah spoke about the coming Messiah from Jesse, referring to the line of King David—the holy seed promised by God that will grow like a young plant. However, this Messianic promised branch, coming from the line of King David, is also destined to be despised and rejected by His fellow Jews for the purpose of bearing the iniquities and sins of humanity.

And this is precisely what the Lord Jesus Christ did—He bore the sins of people in His body on the cross, enabling everyone to die to sin and live righteously before God. His fellow Jews treated Him like a sinner, although He knew no sin, but He did it for our sake, reaching us, saving us, and becoming righteous in the eyes of God.

My fellow believer, the Lord Jesus Christ is the righteous branch promised by God, willingly offered His life for us like a lamb, as a sin offering to please God. He said, "Here I am, Here I am. I will do your will, my Father."


  1. Did you witness the faithfulness of God sending His promised branch to save us from our trespasses?

  2. Did you witness the faithfulness of God in allowing His Son to be despised for you?

  3. Did you perceive the grace and steadfast love of our loving Savior for you?

  4. Is it worth sharing with others? If yes, please share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


As the Lord was despised and persecuted, it brought Him joy to save us because He loved us. He is our loving Savior, the Messiah, and the Son of God.


Isaiah 52, 53, 11, 6:13; Psalm 22; Matthew 2:19-23; Ephesians 2; Philippians 2; Hebrews 10:3-7; 1 Peter 2:24; 2 Corinthians 5:21


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace always, saving sinners like us and making us part of Your kingdom through Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. This truth surpasses worldly riches because knowing who our Lord Jesus Christ is the true treasure in this life. All glory belongs to You. This is my prayer in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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