Scripture Text: Proverbs 7:4-5
Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
and call insight your intimate friend,
to keep you from the forbidden woman,
from the adulteress with her smooth words.
Proverbs 7:4-5

Chapter seven of the Book of Proverbs continues to remind us to abstain from adultery. He commanded to keep the word of wisdom and understanding, always select it instead of listening to the seductive words of the adulteress woman.
ln the Bible, when Apostle Paul went to the town of Corinth, their culture was surrounded by temptation and religious prostitution and Corinth was surrounded by pagan world who practiced temple worship of their gods (like worship of Venus, one of the goddesses of sexual immorality and idolatry). Many Corinthian men were converted to Christianity, but still they were influenced by their culture, and it is a problem when they were not in control of their lustful desires and intense longing for the natural urges of the body. They wrote to Paul and wanted to know the solution to their problem regarding their view of marriage and sexual immorality since there is so much immorality in their times.
The Apostle Paul directly answered to get married to avoid immoral temptation, but this should not be the motivation to get married. Paul suggested to marry the right one, especially one that belongs to the Lord.
We see from ancient times that the seductive words of adultery were alive. It conquers the simple man who lacks of wisdom and understanding. Here in our time, the temptation is worse than the culture in Corinth. Now, because of technology, when a man wants instant gratification of lustful desire, it is just at the tips of the finger to watch pornography. Many men are addicted to these websites. It is more dangerous than drugs when a man is addicted with pornography. The only solution for that is to hear and obey the command of the Lord to abstain, flee from sexual immorality because it will harm the body and mind.
Today, the seductive words on the internet are spreading around us. Be aware not to entertain them—thoughts or any suggestions to open a website. Learn from the proverbs that provide us three chapters to discuss how to abstain and avoid such immorality. Listen to the wisdom because it will save your life from addiction and seductive words of sexual desires. Choose wisdom instead of foolish words.
1. Do you listen to godly instructions?
2. Do you avoid to click undesirable video?
Immorality is widespread today, so do not be surrounded by things you will regret; follow the instruction of God, be pure.
1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Psalm 59:1-17; 1 Corinthians 7:1-7; Ezra 3:1-6
Lord, protect me from all intense longing and desire of sexual sin. Give me wisdom to control and conquer myself in times of temptation. Bless my body with Your grace for me not to pursue my ungodly desires. May Your presence be with me always. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.