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  • Writer's picturePtr. Richard Nicio

All is Well

Scripture Text: Ecclesiastes 7:14-15

In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him.

Ecclesiastes 7:14

What will be your reaction when on the day of your birthday, you pray for good weather, then suddenly, a storm comes and it rains all day long? Or when it is your wedding day, and as you pray for it to be a good day and expect that everything works according to your perfect plan, a heavy rain comes and ruins your special day?

Days are unpredictable, every situation can change in an instant. What is your feeling or reaction towards this case? If I experience one of those situations, maybe I will be disappointed, or maybe I will blame someone for what happened.

On the other hand, in the teaching of Ecclesiastes, I understand that I should be happy during good times, because God is good and He never makes any mistake. Things are happening according to His will.

Also another principle is during bad times, considering chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes where it said that, there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. There are good times and bad times. We have to consider that God has made the one as well as the other one. In short, God is in control of everything.

So, we have to thank Him for whatever His will is for us, just like the author of Ecclesiastes has seen in his observation. When the righteous man perished because of his righteousness—is that good or bad? Some people say that a righteous man doesn’t deserve to experience bad things. But what if it is God’s way to discipline him and to make his life become better in the future?

What about the wicked man who lived a luxurious life and lived in wickedness? Can people say that the wicked don't deserve to live a long life? Yes, I agree with it. God has a reason behind it. God allows him to live because someday, this wicked man will repent from his sins. Can we question God’s plan for his life? We can never tell the will of God in our life. God designs the future of everyone. So we have to enjoy life whether it is in good times or in bad times. God always knows the best for us. All is well.


1. Do you appreciate the days that go by?

2. Do you learn from your bad experiences?

3. What do you do when things go wrong?


Everything that God has created is good. He adds it to our life for us to learn from it. Be happy and considerate to others.


Matthew 9:9-13; 1 Timothy 2:1-15; Proverbs 23: 26-28; Romans 11:1-10


Lord, we appreciate all Your works and please help us to understand all the days in our life whether it is good or bad. Thank You for everything, You wanted to have our best. You are always beside us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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