Scripture Text: John 3:1-21
Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
John 3:3
One night, a Jewish Pharisee (a member of a ruling high council) named Nicodemus visits the Lord Jesus to inquire for the greatest question a devout person to God will ever have and it goes, "if God has a place for His children or kingdom for his subjects, how can I be in there?" Though in the conversation, you cannot see Nicodemus asking Jesus directly about this. However, you will understand his intention of coming to Jesus. Being an educated person and a figure of faith of their religion, he was in the search of a way to become a person that is pleasing to God.
We can speculate some reasons why he needed to come to Jesus at night when it is conducive to have an appointment in the daytime. One, it is humiliating that he being a Pharisee would come to look for a just carpenter. Two, he may be afraid of the other members of the council that might see him talking to Jesus because at that time, the Pharisees hated Jesus because He is teaching with authority and many are following Him. He also challenges the Pharisees on their obedience to the law.
What Jesus told Nicodemus in order to be a part of God's kingdom was to become born again, and unless he becomes one, he cannot enter or even see it. Jesus said, he has to be born of water and spirit. Water, as it is in the Bible, symbolizes the Word of God that cleanses us from all of our uncleanliness and unrighteousness. Spirit here, is the Holy Spirit of God. He alone can give birth to us in the spiritual realm, His kingdom.
Brothers and sisters, like Nicodemus, our education and position sometimes hinder us from coming promptly to Jesus. Don't allow it because if you do, you'll have no place in His kingdom. Have the humility to ask Jesus, He will tell you of all the truth.
1. Do you believe that Jesus can bring you to God's kingdom (heaven)?
2. Have you asked Him what to do?
3. Is your learning and position holding you back from coming to Him?
4. When do you want to become born again, and be a part of God's family and kingdom?
Don't wait for the right time to come to Jesus and be born again. This very moment, Lord Jesus is waiting for you to have a talk with Him. He will not reject and tell you to come again when you are not sinner anymore, just come to Him in humility. Nicodemus, while a learned person, is still a sinner, and Jesus did receive him anyway. It is more blessed to be born again and become a child of God than to lose the opportunity and be in hell for eternity.
John 1:12-13; 2 Corinthians 5:14-19; 1 Peter 1:3-25; John 3:36
Father in heaven, forgive me for rejecting Your invitation to come to You to be born again and become a part of Your kingdom. I want to become a genuine one. Thank You for not giving up on me, and just keep reminding me Lord to follow all Your instructions. These I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.