Scripture Text: John 6:26-33
Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
John 6:32-33
The crowd whom Jesus fed at Bethsaida was amazed by the miracle He did and so began to follow Him. But knowing the intent of their hearts, Jesus tells them the right reason why they should follow Him. It should not be for physical food alone but all the more for spiritual food.
Yes, Jesus' miraculous signs are meant to encourage and not only to entertain and give them free food. Those people are missing the point of His ministry, it is spiritual not material. The word of God is very consistent in reminding us that our need is more than just physical food. To thrive, we also need to be nourished spiritually (Isaiah 55:2; Matthew 4:4). This does not mean work has no value nor Jesus is making us lazy, His point is simple: all material things will pass away. So instead of being consumed of all these earthly things, we ought to be concerned with eternal.
We work hard everyday and spend money on things that are not lasting and I believe most of them are subject to decay and destruction. Think of all the efforts and energy we put in gaining fame and fortune when those things are fleeting. Was there life for eternity? It was only in Jesus, He is the source, purpose, and destination of it.
1. Where are you focusing all your treasure and strength today?
2. Are you been satisfied for the all results?
3. Do you want now to give time to partner with Jesus for eternity?
Do not only invest on things of this world which will be destroyed and forgotten. Give your time and energy to what has lasting value—eternity with Jesus.
Colossians 3:2; Isaiah 55:2; Matthew 6:19; Ecclesiastes 6:7
Dear Father, I pray for wisdom to know what is important and what is not. I pray that You'll help me use my time and influence wisely each day. I want to pour out all my energy on what really is important. These I pray in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.