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  • Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

What Really Matters is Faith

Scripture Text: Galatians 5:1-6

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

Galatians 5:6

I remember a quote saying that "a good relationship gives us wings, but a poor relationship gives us shackles." We all know that from the time that Jesus Christ freed us from the power of sin and death. We are now free from sin, but not free to sin. These commandments are meant to be followed, not the human and cultural traditions that are not part of God's word.

The salvation and freedom that was given by God should give us wings and let us propel in doing the will and words of God wholeheartedly.

Apostle Paul concluded the argument in chapter 3-4 that the Law of God was never meant for salvation, but it for us to know what will honor and dishonor God—to see what is His definition of holy, set-apart for His purpose. The law of God is His system and it creates order to His Kingdom and shows His heart to His people.

Faith from the Spirit enlightened us that salvation is through our Lord Jesus Christ's once and for all sacrifice resulting to a life that is set-apart only for Him, following the Father's will out of love through the Spirit. This made us free from the captivity and power of sin and death in us because of our transgressions.

Christ set us free from the captivity of the law of sin and death, but never did He say that the law was already removed forever. In fact, the Lord Himself stated that He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17).

If people would continually see the law as the savior and not the Lord Jesus Christ, is it as if saying that the grace of God through Jesus Christ is not necessary and salvation can be attained through our own efforts to be right in the sight of God, which will never happen (Isaiah 64:6).

Verse 5 emphasizes faith being active and is working with the driving force of love. This is the result of the true faith that was given by the Spirit, a heart that is obedient and in love with our Lord and His words with the aim to follow it not for salvation, but to honor and give glory to God.


1. Do you see how unclean we are that the perfect Son of God needs to sacrifice His life in order for our sins to be cleansed?

2. Do you realize that it was only the faith that was given to us that we were made righteous and were freed from sin, regardless if we are a Jew or Gentile, as long as faith in Christ is with us?


Cultural practices and traditions should be separated from what God truly commands. These passages defined that at the end of the day, God does not look if you are circumcised by flesh or not, but what truly matters is us being circumcised in the heart through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, resulting to a heart that follows His will out of love.


Romans 6:15-20; Romans 2:12-3:23


I thank You, my Father, for the eternal life and freedom that I do not and will never deserve. What is it You find in me that you have chosen me to be Your set-apart, for I do not have any goodness inside me. My heart is pitch black before You came and saved me from my own corrupt self. I truly believe that the sacrifice that my Lord made was final and is more than enough, and this should propel my heart to follow Your will. I beg of You to continually transform my heart and mind and use me for Your holy calling for my to glorify and honor You, my God. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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