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  • Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

True Circumcision

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

Scripture Text: Galatians 6:11-18

But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Galatians 6:14

Circumcision during the Old Testament times is a symbol of God's covenant to His people, being set apart from the world, which was wrongly interpreted by the Jews and imposed it to the Gentiles in an incorrect value. What Christ really wanted was a circumcised heart that truly follows the will of God in Christ. Apostle Paul ended the letter to remind us that circumcision will only have value if you follow God's commandments.

Apostle Paul emphasized that he himself wrote this lengthy letter to emphasize that this should be addressed with attention since false teachers are teaching incorrectly and pointed us back to the intention of his letter to the people of Galatia. It is to remind us that when we teach the word of God, we are to make sure that we handle the truth with pure intention and teach them honestly without any worldly philosophical views.

The false teachers were addressed as "making a good show in the flesh" as they are doing this to gain acceptance from their countrymen and avoid persecution from their fellow Jews. Preachers nowadays often teach what people want to hear, or worse, they twist the truth for it to be favorable to other people. However, as Christians, it is our duty to spread the word of God, not our own version of God's word. This is dangerous.

Paul then addressed the Jews who were circumcised in the flesh, but do not do the will of God. They were doing this for a 'show' and to boast of their 'obedience' outwardly, but are disobedient by heart and full of pride.

Being a Jew or a Gentile does not give us an advantage in the eyes of God because all of us are sinners regardless of our nationality or bloodline, which is why no one can boast whether we are circumcised or not, because even if we are following the commandments of God, it is not of our strength, but of the Holy Spirit's power.

We are a new creation not because we were circumcised or not, but because God wanted us to be new creation. We must acknowledge that there is nothing in us that gained favor from God, but He Himself as the God of love and justice gave us mercy and grace because He wanted to and not because we're worthy of it.


1. Do we see ourselves as someone who is entitled of God's grace because of any reason, or because we 'chose' Him? Or do we see that it is only by Him that we are circumcised by heart?

2. Do we really know what truly matters to God's eyes?


True circumcision comes from God, which converts our stoned hearts to a heart of flesh that seeks Him wholeheartedly; no one can boast because of this.


Romans 2:25-29; Galatians 5:1-15


I pray to You my Father who chose me not because of anything that is in me, but because of who You are: a loving, faithful, and eternal Father who sees through me and chose me even if there is nothing to be admired inside me. I thank You that You have given me a circumcised heart that loves You and Your word. In His Name, I pray. Amen.

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