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  • Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

The Lovingkindness of God: Setting Us in His Motion

Scripture Text: Titus 3:1-8

But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,

Titus 3:4-5

As Christ's new creation, redeemed, forgiven, and empowered, the basic expectation is for us to follow, and embody His word in all of our actions with a mind that is embedded with His words through the Holy Spirit. Only by then, that we can embody His words and live fully in His will knowing that we were saved by Christ for His holy purpose.

As the letter of the apostle Paul for Titus is about to end, He reminded Titus to make sure that the people who are declaring themselves as a followers of Christ should submit not just to the authority inside the church, but also to the rulers of the land, with limitations of course, as long as the law of the land does not violate the law of God. We are to follow laws and be ready for every moment that we can advance the kingdom of God which is the good work.

Good work is defined as being gentle and kind, which is the expectation of the world from a Christian regardless if it is someone within the faith or not. We were redeemed from the darkness into His marvelous light from our former selves who were once corrupt, fool, blinded, and slaves to sin.

Being good and kind does not mean we are to compromise to make sure that we are at 'peace' with these people, but goodness and kindness that is within the definition and standards of our Lord which is free from sin and compromise.

As Apostle Paul wrote this practical epistle, He wanted us to be reminded that it is only because of the lovingkindness of God that we were justified and forgiven. Only by His grace and not by anything that is within us, because all things that are within us from before are corrupt and are filthy rags in front of Him. Even your noblest deed is unacceptable to God without the Lord Jesus Christ. We cannot boast of anything, but the Lord alone.

Being in line with the will of God is profitable for the people because the word of God was never meant to harm people. It was even commanded to us to pray for those who persecute us, so they might receive the gift of faith and repent. Be beneficial to the people who are in the faith because you will not only serve as a light and an example, but you will be able to advance the kingdom of God because your life is devoted to the works of our Lord Jesus Christ.


We were redeemed by God for a purpose. Redemption was the initial step for the greater works of Christ. Are we walking the road that is meant for us to take as His redeemed people?


We were justified by Christ for His purpose, not for our purpose to escape from hell. Our sins were forgiven and freed from the slavery of sin for us to be slaves of righteousness. Slaves that are not functioning according to the command of their master is not a slave.


Ephesians 2:1-10


Father, I pray to You, begging to empower me and convict me continually to advance Your kingdom and not to settle for convenience. Help my eyes see what this world really needs and give me the passion to care enough to walk in Your will, so I can glorify You and advance Your kingdom with my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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