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Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

Submission For and To God

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 2:18-25

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

1 Peter 2:24

One of my favorite classic songs always reminded me of the greatest sacrifice that a divine God made for us, wretched beings.

"His heart was broken, mine was mended

He became sin, now I am clean.

The cross he carried bore my burden.

The nails that held him set me free."

Apostle Peter wanted us to ensure that we respect and honor our earthly authorities, regardless of whether they are good or unjust. It is easy to be subjected to someone who is upright and good, but it is hard to let an unjust power rule over you.

Is this saying that we should compromise? Absolutely not! This passage teaches us that while we are in this world, we will encounter different kinds of unjust and evil masters, but we are to ensure that we are at peace with them and that we show our obedience and trust in God's ultimate authority by respecting these authorities.

Being Christians, we should expect injustice in this world, and we need to face these sufferings just as Christ did while he was in this world. We please only the Father by following His commands, just like how Christ followed the will of the Father, even though he knew that this would make Him suffer greatly. People will never understand this, and what people don't understand, they despise.

Christ's sacrifice was never easy, considering the wrath and separation from the Father that he experienced during the time he was on that cross. He did that so our Father would be pleased, and we would be free from the bondage of sin. He also set an example for us on how we should live our lives in this world.

Because of this greatest sacrifice, we are now reunited with Christ, and one day, all of these injustices will end, and the Great Judge will judge all things and all actions of every person on earth. We Christians should rejoice because we have been washed by the blood of the Lamb, and we know that God is a holy and righteous God. None will pass without being fairly judged by God.

All of our suffering for His sake will never be neglected nor put aside, as long as it is for Him.


Do you see yourself demonstrating Christ-like behavior and responding to suffering in a way that reflects your faith and trust in God?


We are living in this world for a purpose, and we will surely experience suffering considering we have ungodly rulers. But we know that someday Christ will return, and we will be saved from these and be reunited with our King.


Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:22-25; Romans 12:17-21


Our merciful Father, please help us to follow Christ's example of humility and patience in all circumstances. Give us the strength to endure suffering for doing what is right, knowing that we entrust ourselves to your just judgment. This world is not our home, and we long for your reign. Come, our Lord. O' come! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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