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  • Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

Real Hearers are Doers of His Word

Scripture Text: James 1:19-27

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:22

A Christian who listens to the Word before doing anything will always be a step ahead than those who base their actions on their emotions and impulses. We are students of the Word and it is our duty not just to hear, but to listen carefully and base our actions from it because it is meant to be a lifestyle, not just a lesson.

James wanted Christians to be faster when it comes to listening than speaking and being angry because anger causes us to be filled with unwanted fury that can lead us to sin. Anger is never a sin, but the sudden burst of emotions can cause people to act or say anything before assessing if it will cause himself to sin.

This is the reason why God wanted us to let the Word remove all unwanted evil roots in us such as moral garbage and philosophies that are not in any way teaching the ways of the Word of God. These are unnecessary knowledge that do no good to our soul.

James then continued to address us as he is reminds us to do the will of God and not just learn it. Learning the word and not doing it is simply knowledge and is hypocrisy in front of God. The word of God was made to transform us in accordance to His will.

Reading and studying the word of God shows our current state in front of a holy God and how grave and worthless we are in front of the Holy Word. Seeing ourselves and all of these should bring us to a heart that desires these evilness to be removed and be transformed according to His word. This should be the heart of all believers.

Religious hypocrisy is an insult in front of God and will never be enough to please God. Our religion should exceed beyond learning, knowing God and doing what God wants with our whole heart. God wants you to be really transformed from your core to every part in you, to be incorruptible even in this polluted world. This can only be possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Are you really doing the will of God in every aspect of you life, or are you just learning it as if you are preparing to ace a quiz?


You are not a follower until you live out His word. We are called His followers because we should be following Him, otherwise call yourself a listener and not a follower nor a disciple.


Luke 6:46-49; Deuteronomy 8:2-3; Matthew 7:21- 27


Merciful God, I pray and beg for You to change my heart and soften it as You have promised. Let not my heart be darkened by this world, but teach me to continually trust in Your word and will and give me a heart that only desires to follow your will for my life is made to give glory to my Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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