Scripture Text: John 6:1-13
And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.”
John 6:12
Nowadays, people tend to be very busy in terms of their jobs, taking care of their businesses, getting along with different people to get connections and to find some opportunities where they can expand on what they have. On the other hand, do you know what is the reason for all of this stuff? Yes! You are right... We, as human beings, are afraid that our families will come to the point of starving, and because of this, we try to do everything, at the expense that we neglect our Creator, our God, who is willing to give everything that we need. We even forget to ask Him and neglect our communion with Him. Also, as we believe that He is gracious and abounding in love that we tend to say that "He will understand me”, “I am doing this for my future and family", or “He wants to make me happy." But, do we know that all the things that we have and will have, comes from Him, such as our knowledge, strength, health, career, family, and friends. What do you think our God will feel if we keep on setting Him aside?
Now let us look at the passage where the Lord is teaching us about trusting Him for all our needs. At the passage where Jesus prayed for the five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish, He broke it and gave it to His disciples. They distributed the bread to the large crowd, this crowd followed Jesus to hear about His teachings. They all ate and got full. Afterwards, the disciples got twelve baskets of leftovers. About 5,000 men were fed in addition to all the women and children. How amazing, isn't it? Jesus provided more than what they needed to eat on that night.
Moreover, what Jesus tells us is that, when we follow Him, we need to trust Him about all our concerns in this life. It is given and accepted that there will be times that we will be confused of how God moves in this impossible situation just like the disciples in the passage. But we need to trust the Lord and obey what He will tell us to do. Don't worry about our life’s necessities, He can give it (Matthew 6:25-33). Above all, the Lord asks us to seek His kingdom, His will, and everything will be given to us.
1. Are you worrying about your daily needs?
2. Do you believe that God is after your welfare?
3. Do you believe that He can give everything that you desire?
4. Will you trust all the aspects of your life to Jesus Christ?
Jesus is our God-Creator. He knows everything about us and for us. It is not difficult for Him to give us all we need. You and I just need to follow and obey Him. Amen!
Philippians 4:19; Acts 4:17; 2 Peter 1:3; 1 Samuel 2:8
Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Word that keeps on reminding me, that you love me so much, that You are always willing to give all I need to live in my everyday life. Please help me, my Lord, to always trust You that I may not be deceived by the enemy for being occupied in this life. Instead, help me to focus on Your commandments. This is I pray in Your Name, Jesus. Amen.