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Writer's picturePtr. Rod Ocenar

Love One Another, Even as I Have Loved You

Scripture Text: John 13:34

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

John 13:34

The Cross was drawing ever closer. Jesus had just washed the feet of His confused disciples, in an act of gracious love. The kingdom that seemed so promising a few short days earlier was fast fading into obscurity, as Christ talked of leaving them, of going away to a place where they could not follow. And then came the shocking realization of His forthcoming death. It was at this time of intense sorrow and deep, deep passion that the little flock of Christ heard their Good Shepherd say: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, so love you one another."

The Sermon on the Mount had catapulted the Law of Moses into the realms of moral idealism, but here was a command for divine perfection: LOVE as I have loved. The Son of Man Whom they now confessed as Son of God was full of grace and truth, and He was shortly to display a love so staggering, that it baffles the minds of men. A divine love that they themselves were being called upon to emulate.

They did not understand that in a few short days Christ would rise from the dead, and in so doing would break the power of death in the lives of ALL who believed on His name. They did not understand that in a few short weeks they would be indwelt by the Holy Spirit so that the life that they now lived in the flesh would be the new life of Christ living in and through them - a life they would receive by the power of the Spirit - for the life of Christ and the love of Christ was to be their eternal portion, and it is our eternal portion too.


1. Have you experienced the love of Christ?

2. Will you love one another as the Lord showed you?


No one can love as Christ loved in the power of their own sinful flesh. No one can love as Jesus loved by their own imperfect human effort, however hard we try, for the love of man is but a faint reflection of the glorious Son of Righteousness. But all who trust in His name have been made a new creation in Christ and have the life of Christ living in us and through us. It is only as we walk in spirit and truth, in submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit within, can we fulfil this beautiful command to "love as I have loved you," until we can at last say with Paul: "It is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me."

It is not I that LOVE but the love of Christ in me.


Ephesians 5:2; Leviticus 19:18; 1Peter 1:22; John 15:17; Galatians 6:2


Father, may I live as Christ lived in spirit and truth, in submission to the Holy Spirit, and in obedience to Your will. May I love as Christ loved so that in myself I become nothing, in order that Christ may be seen in me and I can show forth His love in my life, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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