Scripture Text: Colossians 3:12-16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
I remembered when I lost in a debate back in college. I was highly offended not just with how the opposing party acted but from the fact that I wasn't able to defend the case properly. I took it personally on them and walked out of the room without realizing that I felt that way because I am thinking highly of myself and looked down on them which made me react that way.
I was rebuked by the Word and was reminded that I was loving myself too much rather than loving these people whom I know in Christ and were with me throughout my Christian journey.
In the passage, it was clear that a Christian should possess these attributes (v. 12) which should be a standard of God's chosen people that comes from the Holy Spirit alone. The "fruit the Holy Spirit" in which the only contribution is that they cooperate, seek the Lord, and pray to Him.
It is necessary for us to live peacefully with our brethren in Christ as it is commanded to us to love our neighbors as ourselves; to seek their good, to encourage them, to carry their burdens, to forgive them, to help them when they are in need, to be merciful, to rebuke them when they sin, and all these are propelled by love commanded by Christ.
To love our neighbors is to love them in accordance to how the Word defines love. Love that is just, righteous, impartial, merciful, kind, and unconditional. These are just some of the definitions of love from the Bible which can only be attained if Christ is truly in our hearts and we let Him rule over our whole being. This will push us to be Christ-centered in each gathering, having one accord in Christ as we worship Him corporately or privately. We will enjoy each other's fellowship and bring glory to our Father in heaven.
The last thing that Christian should experience is conflict inside the church knowing that we have one common ground and reason why we are gathering together as one church, and that is Christ. All differences should be set aside because our main purpose is to glorify Christ and nothing will go wrong when our love in Christ is abounding in our hearts.
1. Do you truly love your neighbor regardless of what they can give you or who they are?
2. What is your motive for loving your neighbor?
3. Are you willing to lay down your life for your brethren?
"Loving someone lovable is easy, but when an unlovable person comes in, that is when your love is tested." Not all people have the same wavelength and this sometimes causes friction. But at the end of the day, your brethren is still your brethren and we have to give them the love that Christ has commanded.
Remember to love them and see them just like how God sees us as His treasured possession.
Galatians 5:22-23; Galatians 6:1-6; Romans 13:8-10
Our Father who loved us with an unconditional and everlasting love, we beg for Your mercy to be upon us. We pray for us to see in Your eyes and to feel in Your heart as we live in this world. Lord Jesus, we want to live with our brethren as we will be with them with You when You return. Holy Spirit, we ask for You to always work in us and remind us that we should be of one accord, living our lives for You alone. Teach us to encourage, to bear each other's burden, and to live with our neighbors with love as this is Your will. This I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.