Scripture Text: John 5:19-23
that all may honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.
John 5:23
As a child to your parents, what would you think are things that will make them smile and be happy? Perhaps, by showing them that you are studying or working hard or by buying them delicious food, nice clothes, beautiful gadgets etc.—but all these without asking and knowing what they really want.
What about as parents, how do you like your children to honor you? Is it by giving you good things in life or by being happy enough to see them obey your warnings and commands?
Jesus sets a good example of how to honor God. He told the Jews that all He was doing was all that He sees the Father is doing. Meaning, it was His Father's work He does. He will not do anything without the Father's permission. And because Jesus really knows His Father and what He likes, He never wanted to displease Him.
I don't want to confuse you here, brothers and sisters. Let me be clear, the Three Persons in One God (Triune God), the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Lord Jesus Christ have the same substance, nature, attributes, glory, power, and soveriegnty. However, in this account, the Lord Jesus is perfectly showing to us on how to really honor His Father, and this is part of what He teaches us to do. We just need to copy what He did for us to be able to bring honor to His name.
The problem of the Jews was that they have read and known the Scriptures that tells about the Messiah who in God's perfect timing will come, and they are waiting for Him. Here came Jesus of whom the Scriptures was telling about with all the proofs and witnesses, and still they won't believe. In it is written that if they want to honor God, they need and must believe and honor the Son (Jesus) who is with the Father from before time began.
And as the Father have said, "This is my beloved Son, I take My delight in Him." It is like saying "believe my Son, Jesus Christ, and follow Him, and you will honor Me."
Brothers and sisters, we must listen and obey Jesus our Lord and we will honor God.
1. Do you want to honor God in your life?
2. If you do, are following Jesus' example? 3. Do you pursue to become more and more like Him?
The genuine believer's ultimate goal in life is to be more and more like Christ each and everyday. If we can't imitate Christ, we can't honor God.
Matthew 28:18-20; Proverbs 14:31; Colossians 3:17; 1 Peter 3:17; Psalm 86:12
Dearest Father, thank You for giving me Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for showing me how I can truly give honor and glory to Your Name. I ask and pray that You help me keep following my Lord. This I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Praise God! 💯❤