Scripture Text: John 6:37-40
All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.
John 6:37
God knows the end from the beginning and in His omniscience, God in love, elected and chose people in Christ and therefore by His grace in Christ, they were given the faith to believe in Him.
In these few, simple, yet profound words, Jesus declares that the work of Salvation (Spiritual Birth) is the sovereign and exclusive work of God through the Holy Spirit (John 3:5-8). In the Bible, there are two things related to this matter: (1) God's sovereignty and (2) human accountability, for Jesus said that (1) "all those that the Father gives Me (Jesus) will come to Me, not to do my own (Jesus) will, but the will of the Father who sent Me (Jesus) (vv. 37-38)." This is showing the eternal plan of God set; and (2) "the one who comes to Me (Jesus) I will certainly not cast out." This is Father's will not to lose anyone but raise them up (predestinationism).
The Father gives to the Son all those who have demonstrated faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The Father gives to the Son everyone who looks (those who have seen, understood, acknowledged what Jesus has done) to the Son and "believes" (faith) in Him, all who choose to place their trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. Those whom the Father gives to the Son (Eph.1:4-5; Acts 13:48, John 6:33-40; culminating to v.44) will look to the Him [the Son] and believe (Eph.2:8,9,10; John 3:16) in Him.
The whole company of believers who trusts in Christ for salvation becomes a sovereign love-gift from God the Father to God the Son through time and into eternity, and we are given God's supreme assurance that all who come by grace through faith in Christ will be given to Him by the Father, and none shall pluck them out of His hands - and this is God's sovereign will.
1. Do you want to secure your eternal life with God?
2. Do you listen and follow the Lord Jesus?
3. Does obeying Him give you a joyful and worry-free life?
For one to have eternal life, he needs to come and follow Jesus. And as He said, "I will give you rest, and I will not leave nor forsake you."
John 17:2, 6, 24; Matthew 11:28; John 10:28-29; Isaiah 41:9
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Your mercy and grace, You sent Jesus to be the propitiation for our sins, that all who come to Him by faith will not be cast out. Thank You for this free gift of Your grace. Help me to share the good news with others who are dead in their sins and are heading for eternal separation from You. This I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.