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Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

Equal in the Sight of God

Scripture Text: James 2:1-9

If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.

James 2:8

The passage transitioned from putting our faith into our daily lives and following the word of God to not seeing other believers highly than others nor treat them differently because of personal preference.

James wanted to emphasize the fact that it is a sin to mistreat believers of Christ just because of social or economical status, which Christ never considered when He sacrificed His life for our salvation.

God also saved those who are poor in this world but rich in faith. The people who have nothing to hold on to but God have the highest faith. The hearts of these people will only be satisfied in Him alone and not of anything in this world.

As Christians, it is our duty to serve one another out of love. It was never to serve the rich brothers, but to be a servant to all as Christ did show when He washed the feet of his disciples so that the disciples will do it to others as well.

A Christian who sees other Christians based on their social status has a wrong heart towards their brethren and does not see how God sees his treasured possession. We have failed to follow the words of God if our hearts are like this because never did God look on material, but He does look at the heart of a person towards Him which should also be our eyes when seeing our brethren.

Lastly, we are reminded that we should outdo our brothers with love because this is the will of God. We are united in Jesus. One goal to worship Him and advance His Kingdom. Let us not allow ourselves to be corrupted by how the world sees a person, but love our brothers unconditionally just as how God loved us and gave His Son to us.


1. Do we treat brothers in Christ with love equally and not mistreat someone just because of shallow material status?

2. Do we give the same value to these brethren as God values us?


We are commanded to love our neighbors as we love ourselves and this is a direct command to be followed regardless of who our brothers are. As long as they are a follower of Christ, we ought to love them unconditionally.


Deuteronomy 15:7-8; Matthew 25:37-40; Romans 12:9-18


I pray to my Father who is upright, just and loving, asking Your forgiveness for my unjust treatment to others. Please change my heart and transform it to be just like Yours who sees beyond what man can see, a heart that gives love purely and without ulterior motives. Teach me to truly love my brethren the way You wanted me to love them. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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