Scripture Text: Titus 1:5-9
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
Titus 1:9

During the Old testament times in the time of Moses, elders, who are leaders and officials among the people, are gathered together. Eldership has a vital role inside the church because they serve as the overseer together with the pastor as the under shepherd of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The calling of an elder, just like a pastor, comes with great responsibility and accountability to the Lord and His church.
Apostle Paul accompanied Titus to Crete and left him there with the intention to let him lead. Apostle Paul knows the importance of Elders in a church which is why he reminded Titus to appoint elders in every town as overseer because it is necessary and it was clear that there should be more than 1 elder per town since it is in plural form.
Now, the qualifications of eldership are clear in the Bible. Noble tasks must be done by noble men and the qualifications for a man to be a part of a church's Eldership are the following:
Blameless: an elder should be an honest, upright man who seeks to follow the will of the Lord and does everything to be away from sin.
Husband of one wife: An elder must be a man who has kept his vow to his wife and to the Lord during their marriage which clearly signifies that Eldership shouldn't be handled by a woman since it is clear that this calling is meant for a man (1 Timothy 2:12).
Having faithful and obedient children: An Elder must know how to manage his household in the ways of the Lord. These children should behave in a manner worthy of the Lord and not rebellious nor disobedient to the parents.
Should not be Arrogant nor Quick-tempered: Neither of these two traits are helpful in building the church—being self-willed or easily angered. One should be patient and selfless since an elder should put the people of God first before themselves (James 1:19-20).
Not a Drunkard nor violent: Being drunk destroys the sober-minded which is why it was reminded that it is unwise to be led by a drunkard which also might cause violence (Proverbs 20:1).
An Elder should love God and love his neighbors by being hospitable, lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. These qualities should be possessed by the Elders and one can attain this by diving deep in the truth of God's word and of course by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
An Elder should also be able to teach the Word of God and believes in the sound doctrine which is the foundation of our belief as Christians, and these doctrines should be in line to the true gospel of Christ and His words. The elders should know what is the right theology and know how to defend and rebuke if someone is contradicting the word of God.
In my current state as a Christian, regardless if I'm an elder or not, do I possess these qualities which will surely bring glory to God?
These qualifications are literally and practically for elders, overseers and pastors. However, these can be used as a powerful guide for all believers-followers of Christ to be proper people and as being His representative to the world.
1 Timothy 3:1-13; 1 Peter 5:1-3
I pray to You, Father, who qualifies the unqualified, who empowers the weak and who enables those who aren't. I ask for Your guidance for me to live my life worthy of Your Name. I beg that You continually transform me and mold me to the likeness of my Lord Jesus Christ, who is the perfect standard of holiness. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.