Scripture Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12
since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels
2 Thessalonians 1:6-7
Christians have been persecuted for the longest time by people who do not believe in Christ nor believe in the word of God. This did not stop Christians from following Christ, but made them more eager to follow the will of God knowing that they are on the right track since our Lord Jesus said that we are blessed if we are being persecuted (Matthew 5:10-12).
The passage reinforced the promise that vengeance is the Lord's (Romans 12:19) since we are commanded to pray for those who persecute us. Pray not that they will be harmed, but that they may be touched by the Holy Spirit and see Christ with spiritual eyes.
Moreover, the passage tells us that even though we are being persecuted for standing in the truth of Christ, we can hold fast to the promise that God will surely avenge us from all those persecutions since He will judge all men according to their righteousness and wickedness. He comforts those who suffer for His Name's sake and punishes those who inflict suffering upon His people.
Sometimes, we may think that retribution is slow, but God knows His timing and His will is always perfect. The punishment that these people will receive is beyond men's imagination and when this happens, they will surely suffer the eternal wrath of God while His people are being glorified in heaven.
Should we be happy that they will suffer? No, because just like us, these people need Christ and we should pray for them that they may see that Christ is the only way for them to be saved.
At the end of all these, we know that our Lord Jesus Christ will always be glorified, and we will be with Him. Therefore, this should remind us to hold fast to the confession of our hope that we may be able to endure all upcoming suffering, knowing that this produces steadfastness in us to be more like our Lord, Jesus Christ.
1. Do you hold fast and persevere knowing that God knows all our sufferings?
2. Do you pray for those who persecute you, or do you seek vengeance?
When Christ said that we will suffer for His Name's sake when we decided to follow Him, it was a precaution and a comfort to us knowing that there is a comfort and blessing for the persecuted. Our perseverance is only possible because He is the one who gives us strength to carry on until His glorious return.
James 1:2-4; John 17:12-15; Romans 8:37-38
Merciful and holy Father, I come to Your presence and seek strength as I follow Your will. Teach me to stand in Your truth even if it costs my life. I pray for those who persecute me, that they may be convicted by the Holy Spirit and see the beauties and excellencies that You have, my Lord. This I pray in the Name above all names, my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.