Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:10-16
since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”
1 Peter 1:16
When we talk about holiness apart from Christianity and the Bible, people are often led to false teachings and philosophies about what holiness truly means. This confusion affects our faith, the commands we follow, the standards we keep, and the examples we follow.
Even inside Christianity, holiness is subjected to different dogmas and theologies that we ought to weigh and discern to determine what is right. Before reading the Bible, it is important and necessary to empty ourselves of any philosophical or traditional teachings that are outside the word of God. We should always remember that the word is sufficient in interpreting itself for Christians who truly seek the Lord with an open heart, ready to learn from His word and obey it.
The salvation we have received through our Lord Jesus Christ is the same salvation that our forefathers of faith had been waiting for throughout their lives. With the faith that they had, which was imputed to them together with righteousness, they hoped for the Messiah's salvation, and we also have faith into. The fulfillment of that prophecy is the reason why we are here today, saved by His grace after hearing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's power—the salvation of our souls.
Then Apostle Peter proceeds with the conclusion of the previous passage, stating that we are to be holy as the Lord God is holy. When we talk about holiness, we are not discussing anyone's standards or measurements, but rather following the standards set by God, the one who defines what holiness is. He is the author of everything and decides what is right from His sight.
Being set apart as Christians is a privilege. Yes, we are made holy because of the imputed righteousness in us, but that will only be evident if our hearts have been renewed to the point where following the will of God is our standard. Apostle Paul reminded us not to be patterned after the world because God's will and command should be the pattern of our lives as new creations in Christ. His words and His will should be reflected in our words and deeds.
Is it my joy to follow the will of God now that I am a new creation, holy and set apart only for His purpose, or am I living my life as if I am still the master of it?
We are saved to be His workmanship for our Father's glory, so it should only be right to follow His will and be set apart from this world as we are called for this.
Ephesians 4:20-24, Ezekiel 36:22-29, Romans 12:1-2
I pray to You, my Holy Father, and I thank You for the precious gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and the hope of salvation through His sacrifice. Please, help me to live a holy life, continuously seeking Your truth and loving others. Guide and protect me, so that in everything I do, I may bring glory to Your name. Amen.