Scripture Text: Philemon 1:8-16
no longer as a bondservant but more than a bondservant, as a beloved brother—especially to me, but how much more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord.
Philemon 1:16
Apostle Paul met Onesimus during his house arrest/imprisonment in Rome which was a fruit of his evangelical work. Onesimus was a convert and Paul considered Onesimus as his own child and is appealing to Philemon to accept back Onesimus, his servant, and forgive him.
Before the conversion of Onesimus, he was a servant of Philemon who ran away and might have stolen money from his master which is why Apostle Paul is interceding and made a request to accept back Onesimus knowing that Philemon and Onesimus is one in faith and are now brothers in Christ from being a servant-master.
Apostle Paul wrote the letter in a light tone to address this matter with Philemon although he himself can impose it since it is commanded that we are to forgive and love our neighbor. All the more, at the time, Onesimus was not yet converted and does not know what is the will of God.
Paul emphasized that Onesimus is now useful compared before since he is now a Christian and has the same goal with Paul and Philemon and that is to advance the kingdom of our God. He is sending Onesimus back to Philemon even though he himself wanted to keep Onesimus with him, but it is only appropriate as Paul mentioned for Onesimus to return to Philemon.
Paul then ended it to remind him that when Onesimus returned, their relationship is no longer a master-slave relationship, but as brothers in Christ which is why they are in need to reconcile for Christ.
We are like Onesimus before Christ's atoning sacrifice. We were lost and sinful and are bound to do things against the will of God, but because of our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice, we were born again and our sins were forgiven and we can return to our God and be with him forever.
1. Do we see ourselves in Onesimus that we were slaves of sin, but because of Christ, we were made free and are now slaves of righteousness and were restored and forgiven?
2. Are we willing to forgive our brothers who sin against us?
Jesus Christ was the sacrifice in order for us to be restored to God and for God which is why we are enjoying the love of our God. We shouldn't hold forgiveness against anyone since all of us were forgiven by God and the sacrifice was never light.
Colossians 3:12-17; Matthew 18:15-17
I pray to You, compassionate Father, who forgave me of my sins and trespasses. Teach my heart to remember that I am forgiven because of Christ's great sacrifice, and because of this, I am not to hold forgiveness to anyone who did me wrong because this will please You.