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Writer's pictureBro. Javid Ducalan

A Godly Partnership of Marriage in Christ

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 3:1-7

As the apostle Peter reminds Christians who are bound by marriage about what constitutes a Godly marriage, both as individuals and as partners in Christ, we can find guidance on how to cultivate Christ-centered marriages. In these unions, both partners can grow together in faith and love. Although I am not married personally, the Word speaks truth that transcends empirical evidence or personal experience.

Apostle Peter starts by reminding wives to submit to their husbands. In this context, submission does not imply inferiority but rather a willingness to support and respect their husband's role. It's about working together in harmony, even when faced with differences or challenges, knowing that both partners should be working for each other and obeying God.

There may be instances where a Godly woman has married a not-so-Godly man, and Apostle Peter wants to remind women to ensure that they behave properly as Christ intended. By doing so, they can demonstrate that, as Godly women who follow His will, they are doing their best to honor the Lord. The most powerful way to influence our spouses is through our actions, not just words. By living out our faith and values, we remind them of the Word of God being lived in our lives.

This inner beauty is far more precious than outward appearances. It's about having a gentle and quiet spirit that reflects God's values and grace. While it might sound like a cliché, for us Christians, outward appearance should be less of a concern, and we should focus more on our inner selves as we live our lives for Christ. He does not judge us based on our outward appearance but rather looks into our hearts.

Apostle Peter cites the example of Sarah, who trusted in God and demonstrated submission to her husband out of faith, not fear. Wives are encouraged to follow in her footsteps, trusting in God's plan and standards for Godly marriages.

Husbands are called to be considerate as they live with their wives, treating them with consideration and respect. This acknowledges the shared responsibility in a marriage. This also reminds me of Ephesians, where husbands are instructed to love their wives just as Christ loved His church, even to the point of being willing to give his life for his wife.

Christ serves as the perfect example of a husband to His wife, the church, willingly giving His life for His beloved. We, as His wife (the church), are to submit to Him, knowing that we can fully rely on Him, as He will never falter.


1. In what ways can you ensure that your relationships are a testimony to God's love and grace in your life?

2. Do you do the God-given responsibilities as a wife/husband or do you let your partner do all the work as you slack and do the bare minimum?


To build Christ-centered marriages, we must communicate openly, pray together, and support each other's spiritual growth. We should strive to be partners who uplift and encourage one another in our journeys of faith.


Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of marriage and the wisdom found in Your Word. Help couples create Christ-centered marriages where love, respect, and unity are at the core, mirroring how Your Son loved us with perfect sacrificial love. We ask for this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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