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  • Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

We are Influencers

Scripture Text: Hosea 5:1-7

Their deeds do not permit them

to return to their God.

For the spirit of whoredom is within them,

and they know not the Lord.

Hosea 1:4

In November 1978, members of the People's Temple killed U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan who was investigating in Jonestown, Guyana where hundreds of the cult’s members had fled to escape media scrutiny in the United States. Later that day, the cult’s founder and leader, Jim Jones, forced his followers to drink a cyanide-laced beverage and brutally murdered those who refused. Over 900 people died at the hands of the wicked leader who then killed himself.

The Jonestown tragedy is an infamous example of how people in power can ensnare their victims. During the time of Hosea, the abysmal leadership of Israel’s kings and priests had brought an entire nation to destruction.

The religious and governmental leadership of Israel had forsaken their legitimacy, and the beginning of chapter 5 is directed specifically against them (v. 1). The kings and priests of Israel had openly welcomed pagan worship practices since the kingdom was divided (1 Kings 14; cf. Jeremiah 2:1-9) and had never completely eliminated foreign religious influence. God held those leaders accountable for entrapping the people and carrying them along in apostasy. As a result, the victims of their rebellion were piled like slaughtered animals (v. 2), and the hearts of the people became permanently misguided (v. 4).

It should be noted here that Ephraim was one of the tribes of Israel and was often used as another name for the northern kingdom. By using the names of Jacob’s son (Judah) and grandson (Ephraim, Joseph’s son), Hosea emphasized the ongoing aspect of Israel’s disobedience. After generations of defiance, the nation was about to experience God’s withdrawal from a loving relationship with them. Those who attempted to worship God would not find the opportunity (v. 6). With hearts saturated with lust for other gods and sexual promiscuity (v. 3), any sacrifice to God would have been rendered meaningless. Even the festivals ordained to thank God, instead commemorated Israel’s destruction (v. 7).


1. How’s your devotion to God?

2. Are you loyal to Him?

3. Do you obey Him fully?

4. Do we realize that our lives influence others around us to be devoted, loyal and obedient to God?


Whether you are a high-ranking leader in the church or a soft-spoken role model behind the scenes, your sin affects the people who look up to you.

Take a moment to list all the people who may watch and imitate your behavior and attitude. You might write down individual names or entire groups of people. Your children, family members, co-workers, students, and everyone on this list will be influenced for better or for worse by your actions.

Ask God to lead you to shine as a guiding light for His glory.


Proverbs 15:8; Malachi 1:6-9; Matthew 5:13-16


Our Heavenly Father, forgive me for my disobedience to You. Continue to reveal to me who You are and who I am in Your Son, Christ Jesus. Let me truly understand that my life is called to influence others to truly praising and worshipping You my God. Holy Spirit, please empower me that my life will truly influence those that see me, as a life that obeys You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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