Scripture Text: Revelation 18:1-24
After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory. And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.
Revelation 18:1-2 (ESV)
Sociologist Edward T. Hall has called culture “the silent language” that controls our lives in unsuspected ways. Because we are embedded in culture, we intuit the rules but rarely give them conscious thought. Hall warns, “Culture hides more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants.”
One reason Babylon is an appropriate name for the great city in Revelation is because it is a place where God’s people live as aliens. Because they are embedded in a culture whose practices are shaped by values opposed to God, they don’t always see the danger. Therefore, they are warned to “come out of her” (v. 4). This call is directed not only to those who reside there at the time of its fall but also to all the generations that have come before.
The cultural threat of Babylon is outlined in verses 9 through 20. In addition to the spiritual appeal of its false teaching, Babylon seduced its adherents through sensuality, pride, and greed. The cultural tone of Babylon was glory, luxury, and ease (v. 7). She promised to enrich all those who trafficked with her (vv. 11–14). These trappings of outward success masked the rottenness at the core of Babylonian worship and values. Only in her fall will the true nature of Babylonian religion and culture become evident to all (v. 2).
The call to “come out” of Babylon is God’s longstanding appeal to His people. It was issued to Israel and to the church alike. In this respect we are always living in Babylon! We are always in danger of letting those values that are opposed to God’s truth press us into their mold.
1. In your daily life, what are some cultural influences that might be subtly pulling you away from your devotion to God? Are there activities, values, or ways of thinking that you need to be more cautious about?
2. When faced with choices, how much weight do you give to God's teachings compared to the cultural pressures around you? Is there a way to better integrate your faith into your daily decisions?
3. How can you be a better witness for your faith in the midst of a culture that may not always align with it? Can you find ways to subtly share your values or encourage conversations about faith with those around you?
To all believers-followers of Christ, to God's people, we should not be assimilated into the culture of the world, which is opposed to God's values. The call to "come out of her" is a call to separate ourselves from the sinful and materialistic culture of the world.
Isaiah 48:20; Jeremiah 50:8, 51:6-45; 2 Corinthians 6:17; Revelation 18:12
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before You today humbled by the ever-present influence of the world around me. The passage reminds me of the dangers of Babylon, a place where Your people can become lost in a culture opposed to Your teachings.
Help me, Lord, to identify the “Babylons” in my own life. Is it the constant pressure to achieve and succeed that overshadows my time for prayer and reflection? Is it the allure of comfort and ease that makes me forget the importance of living a life dedicated to You?
Grant me the discernment to see through the glittering facade of worldly values. Give me the courage to resist the temptations that pull me away from You. May Your Word rise above the noise of the world, guiding me back to Your path whenever I stray.
Empower me, Lord, to be a witness for You in the midst of this cultural current. Show me how to share Your love and truth with those around me. May my life be a beacon of faith, inspiring others to seek Your light. This all I pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. Amen.