Scripture Text: Daniel 3:7-18
If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.
Daniel 3:7-18
The three Jews namely, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego declared up front to King Nebuchadnezzar that their Lord could rescue them, but their faith in God did not depend on being rescued.
Their words, “but if not” (v.18) or “but even if God does not save us” in other words, affirmed their faith in a God whose ways are not our ways.
For some, the diagnosis of a disabling condition can feel like being thrown into the fire that could consume the life they once knew. It can cause them to question their faith. Do we still believe God is able to deliver us? If God has the power to remove this suffering but did not do so, can we trust His sovereignty and goodness?
When parents of a child with special needs receive a life-threatening and life-altering diagnosis, they might ask, “Do we believe that God can heal our child; do we have enough faith?” And if God does not bring physical healing, they may struggle, asking, “Do we need more faith?”
A mother received the diagnosis of her son’s rare genetic disorder, she knew life would never be the same again. But God met her in her fear and sadness, and slowly began to reveal His presence in small ways. She began to trust that having a child with special needs was not going to diminish nor destroy her faith. She prayed for more confidence to trust God. She clung to the hope that even if the circumstances weren’t what she would have chosen for her child, God would keep them on the best path of their lives.
She also prayed that others would see God’s sustaining presence through her family.
1. Where does your heart go when God does not rescue you from difficult circumstances?
2. Do you run towards fear and doubt, or do you turn to God?
3. Do you ask God to increase your confidence to trust Him and His sovereignty and goodness?
You are never alone, God is with you. Walk your uphill journey by faith with this motto:
“But even if he doesn't, I will continue to trust in His goodness and steadfast love.”
And this we achieve and live in the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we have the YES to all the promises of God.
Isaiah 55:8-9; Habakkuk 3:17-19; 2 Corinthians 1:18-20
Our Father, thank You for the reminder that You are good and that Your actions will always be for my good. Forgive me for fearing and doubting. Always lead me to know more about You my Lord, strengthen me to persevere and increase my confidence to trust You fully. Let me not forget that Your promised presence is always with me and I have all the yes to Your promises through the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him, I pray. Amen.