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Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

The Love that Makes us Feel and Live Better

Scripture Text: Hosea 9:10-17

Like grapes in the wilderness, I found Israel. Like the first fruit on the fig tree in its first season, I saw your fathers.

Hosea 9:10a

According to Aaron’s report to Moses, the golden calf just mysteriously popped out of the fire. Aaron bent the truth as he described the idol’s creation, but the idol did instantly become an object of worship. Aaron proclaimed that this golden calf was the god that delivered them from Egypt, and the people took the sacrificial acts previously reserved for the one true God and applied them to a statue.

The account of the golden calf is recorded in Exodus 32, but the shame of it is remembered in today’s passage. Hosea portrays the love of God in several different ways, and verse 10 draws a connection between God’s love for Israel and a man’s love for a woman, with something resembling a “love at first sight” type of affection. God looked upon Israel with favor at the beginning of the relationship He ordained, but Israel repaid that affection by showing their love to a god of their own making. In previous passages, we saw how Israel’s expectations backfired, their labor was undone, and their perceptions were obscured.

Today, we see how God’s view of Israel had dramatically changed—not because of a change in His character, but because of the explosion of sin in their lives. He uses the metaphor of offspring to describe the coming halt to Israel’s fruitfulness. Ever since Joseph welcomed his brothers and their families to Egypt, Israel had enjoyed radical growth in their numbers. God was pronouncing an end to that blessing. Certainly there were women in Israel who gave birth in the centuries that followed this judgment, but the drop in growth would be harsh (vv.11-16).

In light of God’s promise to Abraham for countless descendants (Gen. 22:17), this punishment was particularly painful for Israel, but they deserved far worse (v.17). They had once worshipped a calf, and throughout their history Israel would stray from God to depend on man-made gods and pagan fertility rituals.

Israel was like a bride who cheats on her wedding night. The image of fondness and love was completely soiled by their immediate disloyalty.


1. How do you show your love for God?

2. How do you show your love for the Lord Jesus Christ?

3. Do you love Him because He is everything to you or do you love Him because you just need Him?


It can be difficult to imagine what God’s love is like because He is so infinite and incomprehensible. But God is not impersonal. His love is not emotionless. His love is more pure, expressive, intimate, and true than human love could ever be.

Remember that today as you consider the fact that God loves you with a passion. How will you repay that love today? His love shouldn’t just make us feel better—it should make us live better as well.


Isaiah 62:5; Jeremiah 32:41; Galatians 6:7-8


Dear Lord, make my heart beat only for You and You alone. Your love is incomparable. Make me as loyal and devoted to my Lord Jesus Christ who is Your personified love, proof of Your steadfast love and object of my love. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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