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Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

Satan's Menagerie

Scripture Text: Revelation 13:1-18

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.

Revelation 12:7-8 (ESV)

Many people know some Bible facts. For instance, nearly everyone knows that Jesus said, “Judge not” (Matt. 7:1). Many have heard of the Antichrist and know that his number is 666—although they probably didn’t learn this from the Bible but got it from a movie. They might be surprised to learn that the Antichrist appears in the book of Revelation as a beast.

Revelation 13 describes two beasts. The first comes out of the sea with ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns on its horns. Each of its heads bears a blasphemous name (v. 1). It seems unlikely that this is a literal, physical description. John’s depiction of the beast hearkens back to the vision of Daniel 7:3–8 where this kind of imagery is used to speak of rulers.

If Jesus is the King of kings, the first beast is the enemy of enemies used by Satan in a vain attempt to thwart His final victory. This beast will act as a false Christ. He will attempt to establish his own kingdom and will be worshiped by “all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life” (v. 8). He will even experience a kind of resurrection by bearing the marks of a fatal wound that has been healed (vv. 3, 12).

Another beast comes “out of the earth” (v. 11). The first beast is a false Christ, and this beast is a false lamb. He looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The second beast will exercise authority on behalf of the first beast, perform miracles, and will set up an image of the first beast to be worshiped. He will demand that all the inhabitants of the earth receive a mark on their forehead or hands.


1.  How can I ensure that I'm staying grounded in the truth of Jesus amidst the distractions and deceptions of the world?

2. Am I actively seeking discernment to recognize the lies of the enemy and the truth of God's Word in my daily life?

3. In what areas of my life do I need to be more vigilant against deceptive influences, and how can I rely on God's strength to resist them?


The passage is to provide the believers-followers of Christ the insight into the symbolism and significance of the beasts described in it. The deceptive nature of these beings, portraying them as agents of Satan who seek to oppose and imitate Jesus Christ. The first beast represents a false Christ, while the second beast appears as a false lamb, both working to establish a kingdom opposed to God's. The Word of God tells of the need for discernment and warns against being deceived by these deceptive forces.


Daniel 7:3–8; Matthew 24:5 & 11; 1 John 2:18 & 22, 4:3


Heavenly Father, help me to see through the deception of the world. Keep my eyes fixed on Your Son, Jesus Christ, the founder and perfecter of my faith amidst the chaos and confusion. Give me the extra discernment to recognize the lies of the enemy and the wisdom to follow Your truth. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

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