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Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

Our Lives Reflect our Relationship with Christ

Scripture Text: Hosea 4:1-9

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

1 Peter 2:9

In September 2007, Nebraska State Senator Ernie Chambers filed a lawsuit—he sued God. In an attempt to demonstrate how people take advantage of the freedom to bring any suit against anyone, the agnostic senator filed a string of ridiculous charges against God Himself.

God is without fault, and the counter suit against humanity is overwhelming. Hosea 4 is the beginning of God’s case against Israel for violating His laws. The terms of God’s complaint are clear: name a commandment, Israel had broken it. God had made Israel aware of the penalties for violating the Ten Commandments, the laws of His covenant with them (cf. Exodus 34:27–28). Israel would suffer plagues, military defeat, agricultural disaster, political upheaval, and a long list of other consequences (Leviticus 26:14 ff.), but Israel loved sin more than they loved God (vv. 7, 8).

One particularly interesting aspect of this passage is the language concerning priests. Israel’s people and priests were equally guilty of apostasy (vv. 4, 9), so who was left to represent the people to God or God’s Word to the people? The sins of the priests had multiplied so greatly that no one could hold anyone else accountable. The spiritual leaders in a nation ordained to be spiritual witnesses to the world had completely given themselves over to sin. The priests and the people were utterly rejected (v. 6).

Verse 6 also contains a dagger of prophetic wisdom: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.” Ignorance is not bliss—it is destruction. Israel was unraveling because they willfully rejected the knowledge of God in favor of the foolishness of the world.

Hosea’s point for us is crucial: the way we think is vital to the way we live. Israel’s hearts wandered to other gods after their minds ceased to be filled by the wisdom of the Word of God. Likewise, if we fail to center our minds and hearts on the Lord, how can we ever hope to love and follow Him as we should?


  1. Is Christ in the center of your life?

  2. Why do you think it is what you really need?

  3. Do you see your need for Christ Jesus?

  4. What do you need from Him?

  5. Why do you need Him?


We need to ask ourselves whether we are representing God as a royal priesthood to a society lost in wickedness, or are being pulled along by the tides of popular thought.

You are currently engaged in one definite positive step: studying the Word of God! As you read, watch, and listen to other media, use God’s truth to guard your mind. And in your conversations, don’t be afraid to challenge worldly ideas with the Word you know to be true.

Encourage others to think Biblically!


Exodus 19:5-6; Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Peter 2:9


Our Heavenly Father, forgive me for failing to show the image of your Son, Christ Jesus, as I live my life. I ask for Your grace to make my heart hunger and thirst more of my Lord Jesus and remind me that it is not to increase my knowledge but even more increase my application of it. Transform me continuously in the image of Your Son, Jesus. Make me display Him in my life, truly loving You and loving whom You love. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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