Scripture Text: Hosea 9:1-9
They have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gibeah: he will remember their iniquity; he will punish their sins.
Hosea 9:9

On September 23, 1908, fans of the New York Giants joyously ran onto the field at the Polo Grounds as Moose McCormick stepped on home plate. They thought they were celebrating the winning run that would defeat Chicago and break a tie with the hated Cubs in the National League standings. But base runner Fred Merkle was called out at second base as he was swept away by the crowds of ecstatic players and fans reveling in the glory of … a tie that eventually led to a Cubs World Series Crown.
Israel had to cancel their celebrations, because they were rejoicing in what was, in fact, their defeat. Pagan prostitution and the harvest they believed it brought had become the trademarks of Israel’s culture. Everything they did in the hopes of achieving prosperity would be rendered fruitless by God’s judgment. The displays intended for worship would instead mark them as unclean, and the food they offered to God would not be allowed into His presence (v. 4). The sin of Israel would finally trigger their expulsion from the land (v. 3).
Israel had become a backward nation because they had a backward understanding of the truth. On the rare occasion that Israel really did hear the truth, they rejected it as folly or insanity (v. 7). How often it happens that people will become so immersed in false thinking that the truth appears ridiculous. Hosea was the lone voice of reason, and the people thought he was crazy.
One may wonder why God sent Hosea, knowing that Israel would reject him. But regardless of Israel’s perceptions, Hosea was a watchman over the nation (v. 8). God loved the people enough to sound a warning through His prophet to alert them of coming danger. While the mass response was to ignore and ridicule Hosea, a faithful few undoubtedly heeded his warning and preserved his inspired words. Still, the overwhelming consensus was hostility toward God’s truth (v. 8).
God compared their reaction to the tragic civil war at Gibeah where thousands of Israelites died because of one tribe’s refusal to eliminate sin from their midst
(v. 9; cf. Judges 20).
1. Do you thank God for the church leaders who tirelessly preach and teach the truth of God’s words?
2. Do you thank God for the church leaders who continue to point all of us to love the Lord and follow His will?
3. Do we share our faith and the truth of the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ to others?
We live in a world where people celebrate the belief that all faith is equally valid. But as Hosea clearly teaches, God alone offers salvation, and He does not tolerate the worship of other gods.
Don’t be afraid to discuss your faith with people who don’t share your beliefs. Ask God to provide an opportunity with someone you know. But also remember that your desire to present the truth should come out of love, not arrogance, personal judgment, or the desire to be right.
Judges 19:22-30; Ezekiel 33:7; Hebrews 13:17
Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for the gift of faith that is the only valid one because it is from You. I praise You for the salvation I received from You because of my Lord Jesus Christ. Make me see clearly who You are and Your will; Your grace to draws me more and more to worship You, give glory to You and tell of the truth of Your good news in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.