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Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

Live According to God's Ways

Scripture Text: Hosea 14:4-9

Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.

Hosea 14:9

The winds were furious. Waves rose far above the boat, dumping water onto the disciples. In a panic, the frightened men woke up Jesus. Calmly, He spoke a few words. Then everything went completely still; everything, that is, except the racing hearts of the disciples, who wondered who could calm a storm through His words.

The shift between Hosea 13 and 14 is equally dramatic. The squall of furious judgment against Israel subsided; the instant repentance and forgiveness entered the picture. As Hosea recorded these words, Israel had not even approached the point of confession yet, but God spoke of their repentance as if it had already happened. His anger was gone, and now He was prepared to bless them as He had always intended. We see the eternal perspective of God, that He could speak such tender words of forgiveness and compassion while His people were mired in rebellion.

The fruitfulness of Israel had returned. Instead of being influenced by the cultural tide, the Israel that God envisioned was an instrument of blessing to the rest of the world (v. 7). God compared Himself to the dew, no longer in reference to its quick disappearance but rather to its consistent provision day after day. It’s amazing how quickly the picture completely changed at the mere expression of genuine repentance.

Many theologians believe this passage refers to the millennial kingdom of Christ, a time when Jesus will rule in righteousness, healing the chronic condition of man’s sinfulness (v. 4). But the message has powerful, practical implications for us today. Hosea concluded his message to Israel with the perfect, simple synopsis. The ways of the Lord are right! Our success or failure in following His ways determines the end results of our lives. It’s that simple.

Rebellion brings destruction and downfall. Those who stray from the Word of God are doomed. But obedience brings the flourishing promises of God into our lives, and the benefits are passed on to the people around us!


1. Does God’s Word hold value in your life?

2. Do you see it as God’s revealed will for your life?

3. Do you commit yourself to follow Him as revealed in His Word?


The verse for today makes things clear cut for us—live according to God’s ways, and He will pour His blessings on us and use us to accomplish His goals and establish His kingdom. But if we give our heart to some other object, any other authority created by God or fashioned by man, we will face dire consequences.

The biggest punishment is the absence of a personal, loving relationship with Him! Thank God for the wisdom of His Word and renew your commitment to follow Him.


Psalm 19:7-8; Psalm 119:127-128; John 8:47


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word. This is Your revealed written will for my life, for my salvation and spiritual growth. This is where Your guidance for me is, to live a godly life as what You designed life to be for Your children. Give me a heart to love You, and that is to love Your Word as well. Help me to see that Your Word is a hard copy of a map and compass and the Holy Spirit guides me as I interpret it. Forgive me for not being committed to You and Your Word. This I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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