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  • Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

Imitating What is Good

Scripture Text: 3 John 9–14

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God.

3 John 1:11 (HCSB)

Early in the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Jane is sent to Lowood School, a charitable institution that educated orphans and poor girls. A victim of various injustices, she arrives angry and wanting revenge. At the school, however, she makes friends with a girl named Helen Burns. From Helen, she learns about perseverance, kindness, and forgiveness. She resolves to imitate her friend instead of nursing her grudges.

Imitating good is a biblical principle for Christian behavior. While Gaius would have been a good example to follow (3 John 1), Diotrephes was clearly not (vv. 9-10). John describes him as a person who “loves to be first” (v. 9). He didn’t have a servant attitude but a prideful one. He didn’t practice the hospitality or missionary support described (vv.1-8), but went so far as to forbid it and to excommunicate those who disobeyed him. He’d ignored a letter from John and was spreading “malicious nonsense” about him (v. 10). In modern terms, he was a “control freak”—a self-centered leader trying to build up power and position rather than working for the sake of the gospel. John would deal with him when he came in person.

We should imitate good examples, like Demetrius, who may have been the bearer of this letter (v. 12). He’d proved by his actions that he was an authentic believer and was affirmed by the testimony of others. “Anyone who does what is good is from God.” Goodness comes from God; evil comes from godlessness. Trees are known by their fruit.

John broke off here, promising to say more when he visited the church (vv. 13–14). He longed to be with these friends in person.


1. How can I live in truth and align my actions with my beliefs?

2. How can I show love and hospitality to those around me, especially in my faith community?

3. What can I learn from the examples of Diotrephes and Demetrius about my own behavior within my faith community, and how can I promote positivity like Demetrius?


Believers-followers of Christ, to remember is the importance of walking in truth, practicing love and hospitality within the faith community. This is an encouragement to the believers to live out their faith authentically, support one another, and be cautious of divisive or self-centered actions within the community.

There are many leaders who fight for our attention, but we need to be careful who we follow. While Christ is always our perfect standard (1 John 2:6), we can also imitate those who imitate Christ.


Exodus 23:1-3; Psalms 37:27; 1 Corinthians 4:16–17; 1 Thessalonians 1:6; Hebrews 13:7


Heavenly Father, thank You, for your Word. Help me walk in truth, show love, and be a good example in our faith community. Guide my actions to honor You. Thank You also for the examples of believers who quietly, humbly exemplify the love and self-sacrifice modeled by Christ. Help me learn from their godly ways so I too may bring glory to Your name through my life. In His name I pray. Amen.

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