Scripture Text: Hosea 3:1-5
For the children of Israel shall dwell many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or household gods. Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and they shall come in fear to the Lord and to his goodness in the latter days.
Hosea 3:4-5

When Joseph learned of Mary’s pregnancy, his initial reaction was to divorce her privately. According to Jewish law, betrothal was considered as legally binding as marriage, even before the wedding. A divorce would have been required to dissolve the union, and it was justified in the case of infidelity. The Gospel of Matthew includes this snapshot from Joseph’s life along with the angel’s revelation of the divine mystery, which began with the greeting, “Joseph, son of David” (Matt. 1:20). When divorce would have been expected, God instead brought the promise of salvation through a holy King.
Today’s reading is another example of a sort of mirror image within Scripture, where we see two pictures with similar features arranged in reverse. Mary and Gomer were direct opposites. Mary was faithful and deserved Joseph’s love. Gomer was adulterous and deserved divorce. Mary abstained from sexual relations with her husband as a fulfillment of prophecy. Gomer was prohibited from sex as a punishment of her sin. Joseph was directed to take Mary as his wife because she was not guilty. Hosea was told to love Gomer despite her guilt. Gomer was the example of Israel’s unfaithfulness. Mary gave birth to Israel’s perfect Redeemer and King.
Some cultural references in this chapter in Hosea are potentially confusing. Verse 1 is not a condemnation of raisin cakes in general, but an indictment of Israel’s love for sacrificing such cakes to pagan idols, which God compared to Gomer’s propensity for showing her love to other men. In verse 2, Hosea said that he bought his wife for a price comparable to the Old Testament value of a slave or a female dedicated to the service of God (Ex. 21:32; Lev. 27:4). He may have purchased her from a pagan temple where she served as a prostitute.
Hosea followed the Lord's command when he purchased Gomer to bring her back, just as he did in marrying her. Through Hosea's act, God showed His people that He was taking the initiative to reveal His love to a faithless nation.
We can only imagine the condition in which Hosea found Gomer. As one Bible commentator observed, even if Gomer had been an attractive woman before this occasion, it is doubtful that any man looked on her with desire at the time her husband purchased her back. She had traveled the hard way of the transgressor.
But Hosea reconfirmed his love for Gomer and helped lead her to restoration (v. 3). All the while, the prophet's actions were a mirror of God's loyal love for the nation.
Israel's guilt as a spiritually adulterous wife has already been established, although there are more indictments to come. The people thought they were just "party-goers," when in reality they were prisoners of their gross sins.
Exile in Assyria lay ahead, a time when the people would be forced out of the land as slaves and captives. No ruler would sit on Israel's throne, and no sacrifices would be offered (v. 4).
Israel would be pulled from comfortable lives of pagan worship mixed with nominal allegiance to God. After the Assyrians took them captive, Israel would long for the one and only good God (v. 5).
We can perceive that there is parallel comparison between Israel in Hosea's day and our lives today.
Spiritually, modern-day “believer of Christ” is forsaking the Lord and running after gods of materialism, pleasure, and power. Our need is the same as that of the church in Laodicea.
We need the eyes to see and ears to hear that will lead us to our great spiritual needs and repent of our sin.
What do we think we really need in life?
Why do we think it is what we really need?
Do you see your need for Christ Jesus?
What do we need from Him?
Why do we need Him?
It is encouraging to know that we serve a compassionate, forgiving God, but it is important to remember the cost of sin and the price of forgiveness. Thousands of years separate Hosea’s prophesied judgment and the fulfillment of Israel’s complete restoration. Even though God's faithfulness to forgive is certain in Christ Jesus, we still suffer the effects of our sinful choices.
Let us show love and gratitude for God’s mercy by honoring His commands because Jesus is our Lord and Savior!
Jeremiah 50:4-5; Isaiah 55:6-7; Revelation 3:14-22
Our Heavenly Father, faithful and true, I praise and thank You for being gracious and merciful to me. Thank you for reminding me that what I truly needed in my life is Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Please continue to mold my heart and remind me to renew my mind every moment of my life to show my love and gratitude by honoring Your commands. In Jesus' Name, Amen.