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Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

Against God or Against Sin

Scripture Text: Hosea 10:1-10

For now they will say: “We have no king, for we do not fear the LORD; and a king—what could he do for us?”

Hosea 10:3

Many children have made the mistake of thinking that a dandelion is a flower. Kids love the bright yellow petals. They love it even more when the head becomes white and fluffy. They have great fun blowing petals across the yard as their parents cringe at the thought of hundreds more dandelions springing up!

Israel’s faith may have had the form of a blooming flower, but it was a malicious weed spreading rapidly across the land. The altars multiplying across Israel weren’t dedicated to the one true God, and the sacred stones weren’t really sacred at all. They were monuments to their false gods, and as Israel prospered, the altars increased like dandelions infesting a lush, green lawn.

Notice here how the branches of economic prosperity, religious practices, and civil order intertwine in this passage. The rhetorical question in verse 3 shows the people’s dismay at the lack of justice, but it also reveals their lack of understanding. They should not have been surprised that religious depravity would breed political corruption and widespread disputes (v. 4).

It had been a long time since a good and wise king ruled over Israel, and that appears to have fostered their dependence on foreign gods rather than pursuing political reform. They mourned the loss of their idols. They ignored the loss of courage like David’s, or wisdom like Solomon’s. Israel didn’t place their hope in God or even in kings… they put their faith in man-made objects of worship. As a result of their foolishness, their government was rendered irrelevant (v. 7), and their gods were proven disgraceful (v. 6).

The meaning behind the mention of Israel’s “double iniquity” (ESV) or two counts of guilt in verse 10 isn’t immediately clear—there were definitely more than two sins for God to punish. One possibility is that Israel’s first sin was woeful idolatry and that their second sin was the stubborn refusal to turn away from those practices in order to avoid impending punishment. Israel made a bad situation worse by refusing to repent.


Is there a sin (or sins) that you just can’t let go of, one that may look harmless but multiplies like a weed throughout your life?


If you have been following the study of God’s Word in the book of Hosea, you have probably noticed that sin has probably been brought to your attention repeatedly. You must take a stand, either against God’s Word or against sin.

Ask God for strength to make the right choice and to stand firm in obedience. Memorize a verse that can help you resist temptation when it strikes.


1 Corinthians 10:13; Galatians 5:16; James 4:7-10


Dear Heavenly Father, I sincerely and humbly ask for forgiveness for my rebellious heart. I thank You for Your mercy, that You have even showed them to me and for making me admit it. I ask for the strength to always make me choose You and Your Word, to keep it in my heart and mind; for me to be like Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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