Scripture Text : Joel 1:13-15
Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD.
Joel 1:14, ESV
When Arthur Andersen auditing firm was indicted for destroying documents related to a Federal investigation of one of its clients, some of the firm’s employees staged a public protest. One employee even wrote to the President of the United States, complaining that the indictment was unfair because of what it implied about the thousands of honest employees who worked for the company. “They are casting doubt on our honesty and our integrity,” he wrote. Some of the people of Joel’s day would identify with this complaint. They too may have wondered whether it was fair for many to suffer for the sins of a few.
The plague of locusts that had so devastated Israel’s crops carried an important lesson. Sin is not just an individual matter--it is a corporate one as well. The proper response was for God’s people to take responsibility for the sins of their nation and seek God’s forgiveness. Speaking through the prophet, the Lord called for Israel’s national and religious leaders to publicly express their grief for their sin in a “holy fast” and a “sacred assembly” (Joel 1:14). The priests were instructed to take the lead and summon both the elders and the people to the sanctuary in order to fast and cry out to God for deliverance.
The Bible supports the idea of corporate guilt. Israel’s defeat at Ai is a good example. Only one man violated God’s command not to take any of the plunder from the defeat of Jericho, yet the Lord spoke in plural terms when He apportioned the blame. Only one man had sinned, yet both the guilt and its consequences were shared.
1. Do you still feel grief over your sin?
2. Do you repent of your sin or sins?
3. Do you know that your sin may affect not only you but others in your life as well?
Just as in Joel’s day, one way that God’s people can express their grief over sin is through fasting. Fasting does not remove guilt—only God’s grace could do that for them. But it is a way to express repentance. If your physical health permits, why not skip a meal and spend that time confessing sin to the Father? Pray for yourself, your church, and your nation—God is pleased by our recognition of our corporate responsibility and our heartfelt repentance.
When you are finished, thank God for His grace and mercy.
Joshua 7:1-5; Ecclesiastes 9:18; Romans 5:2; 2 Corinthians 7:10
Heavenly Father, I admit my sins to You. I need Your grace and mercy, and most specially the joy of Your presence. Forgive for my sins. May You see my heart’s sincerity and grief over my offense towards You. I ask for forgiveness for my family, the nation and the church. I thank You for Your love and promises. This I pray in Your Son’s Name and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.