Scripture Text: Joshua 2:1-7
And Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.” And they went and came into the house of a prostitute whose name was Rahab and lodged there.
Joshua 2:1

Today's spying or surveillance is easy because of available technologies like satellites, drones, computers, cellphones, etc. There is also less burden also for physical appearances in one place.
But in Joshua's time, since the place was unfamiliar to the Israelites, spying was very challenging because it required physical appearances. Joshua knew that being a spy was high risk but their goal was to fulfill God's promise to inherit the land, that was why he sent his two spies in Canaan to gather information and explore the land, especially the city of Jericho. Then, the two spies lodged in the place of Rahab the innkeeper (Hebrew word for innkeeper is "zona").
Some citizens there identified the spies as Israelites. They informed the king of Jericho and immediately the king dispatched his men to Rahab's house to arrest the two spies of Israel (vv. 2-3). But Rahab deceived the king's men into believing that the spies had already left. The two spies took refuge in the home of Rahab who has come to fear the Lord (vv. 4-7).
In human perspective, Rahab sinned because she lied to the authorities and to the king of Jericho [another classic example of lying; when the two midwives lied to the king of Egypt, they disobeyed king's command to kill all baby boys on the birth-stool of the Israelite mothers because they feared God (Exodus 1:15-21)].
In God's perspective, Rahab did not sin to God, even the two midwives, just to protect and save God's people. Rahab did the right thing with the Lord, she helped and welcomed God's people. She embraced a new life with the Lord.
To fulfill God's covenant, He implements His unpredictable ways. He also used people like Rahab, the innkeeper, and God transformed her heart into a God's kingdom's heart. Because of Rahab's genuine faith to the One and only true God, she became one of the ancestors of Israel.
1. Are you willing to help and welcome God's people when they seek assistance?
2. Does your home church continue to extend help and support God's people especially to those who are suffering from dead-end situations?
3. Does your home church continue to explore the place of church expansion for the lost or even saved souls?
Exploring first the place for church expansion is important and God allowed it to take care of more saved souls. The Lord Jesus Christ uses people whether believer or unbeliever to fulfill His covenant and He protects His people always wherever they go.
Exodus 1:15-2; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25; Matthew 1:5
Dear God, thank You Lord for Your unending love, grace, protection, and wisdom. Give us the capacity to help Your people, inside and outside the church, even our relatives, and friends. Continue to use our lives to be a messenger of Your Word to touch the hearts of unbelievers by the help of the Holy Spirit. Use us, as Your church, to take care of more saved souls. In Jesus' Name. Amen.