Scripture Text: Joshua 4:1-9
So the Israelites obeyed Joshua. They carried twelve rocks from the middle of the Jordan River. There was one rock for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. They did this as the Lord had commanded Joshua. The men carried the rocks with them. Then they put the rocks at the place where they made their camp. Joshua also put twelve rocks in the middle of the Jordan River. He put them at the place where the priests had stood while carrying the Holy Box. These rocks are still there today.
Joshua 4:8-9

All of God's instructions regarding the rocks memorial were obeyed by Joshua and the Israelites. This is to commemorate the event when God dried up the Jordan river so that the people could cross easily on the dried ground.
God's objective for the rocks memorial was to remind the future generations of what had happened at that place (vv. 6, 7, 22, 23), not only the future generations of Israel but to all peoples of the earth.
so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.”
Joshua 4:24
Because of God's grace and ways, the Israelites were saved physically and they received their inheritance from the Lord.
God's people in the Bible like David had also experienced how he was rescued and saved by the Lord from the enemies, that's why David praised and thanked the mighty God.
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalms 18:2
The Lord who was described by David was the same Lord who commanded Joshua to pile the two rocks memorial. Unfortunately, the Lord was rejected by the world. Truly, the Lord Jesus Christ is our solid Rock. He is the solid living Rock of our Salvation. But many people rejected Him because they are blind and they stumbled on the truth.
Thank God because the Lord revealed Himself and He offered His salvation not only to Israel but to all people in the world through our Lord Jesus Christ. In the past, we were not God's people, but because of His unending love, He gave us grace and mercy. Now, we are His people.
1. To whom do you entrust your salvation?
2. Is your faith really connected to Christ?
3. Is Jesus' memorial going to stay in your heart forever?
4. Do you still have unsaved friends and relatives? Go and share Jesus now!
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only living Rock who gives salvation to all people who are willing to surrender their life to God and are willing to obey the will of the Lord.
Psalms 118:22; Isaiah 8:14, 28:16; 1 Peter 2:4-10
Dear God, thank You because Christ secured our spiritual future. I pray that all people in the whole world today are to be saved spiritually and they would acknowledge that Jesus is the only Lord and Savior. People would also realize why they continue to live on earth—it is to give honor, respect, and glory to Jesus' mighty Name. I pray that all people would experience also the heavenly joy in the presence of our God through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name. Amen!
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