Scripture Text: Joshua 9:1-27
The Gibeonites answered, “We lied to you because we were afraid you would kill us. We heard that God commanded his servant Moses to give you all this land. And God told you to kill all the people who lived in this land. That is why we lied to you.
Joshua 9:24
The Gibeonites went to the leadership of Israel to deceive Joshua and his leaders just to spare their lives from the total destruction. Unfortunately, Joshua and his leaders were swayed away to the trick done by Gibeon's ambassadors until he and his leaders made an oath for them to spare the lives of all Gibeonites.
But the whole congregation of Israel rebuked the unlawful action done by their leaders because they did not consult first the Lord. All they knew was the divine command that all people in Canaan will be subjected to total destruction.
In Deuteronomy 20:10-18, specifically verses 10 and 11, God commanded Moses then he instructed Joshua to fulfil the Lord's command...
“When you go to attack a city, you must first offer peace to the people there. If they accept your offer and open their gates, all the people in that city will become your slaves and be forced to work for you."
The Gibeonites knew about the miracles done by God in Egypt in favor of His people's redemption from slavery. They crossed on dry ground on the red sea and Jordan river, they defeated King Og and King Sihon, they defeated the city of Jericho and Ai. And they heard that God commanded Moses to give all the land in Canaan to the Israelites and liquidate all the inhabitants who lived in the land. They really acknowledged the greatness, power, and might of the true God of Israel.
They feared the Lord that's why they lied to Joshua and to the leaders of Israel for their survival (v. 24). Then Joshua and his leaders assessed and evaluated the case of the Gibeonites, and resulted to an oath that the people of Gibeon will be spared. But because of their lie done to God and to the people of Israel, they were subjected to be slaves of the Israelites (vv. 25, 26).
Part of the fulfilment in this event was
Noah's prediction that Canaan would someday be the servant of Shem, for the house of the Lord (Genesis 9:25-26).
He made them slaves of the Israelites. They cut wood and carried water for the Israelites and for the altar of the Lord—wherever the Lord chose it to be. They are still slaves today (v. 27).
All people were under the curse of God because of the original sin, we were all dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1). But the Lord's grace and mercy were extended to us as sinners. The Lord Jesus loves us and He personally came to earth being a true God, Servant, King and Savior, and He offered true peace and spiritual salvation that whoever believes and accepts Him as Lord and Savior of his/her life will be saved. This was the fulfilment of God's covenant with our spiritual ancestors (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses). Our Lord Jesus fulfilled God's covenant and promises to His people. Because of Christ, the power of curse and sin is no more!
1. Do you really believe in the Lordship of Christ and His ways?
2. Do you regularly consult the Holy Spirit and ask help to establish your oath to God and fulfill it?
When it comes to the physical and spiritual salvation, people cannot question God and His divine ways. Because of His ways (grace), He gave us eternal life through His Son-Jesus Christ. And He gave us the divine favor to live in His kingdom forever.
Deuteronomy. 20:10-18; Ephesians 2:1-10
Dear God, I truly acknowledge Your greatness, power, might, and ways through Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your loving kindness and grace so that I can live peacefully together with my family, and my co-followers of Christ with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen!