Scripture Text: Joshua 24:1-15
“But maybe you don’t want to serve the Lord. You must choose for yourselves today. Today you must decide who you will serve. Will you serve the gods that your ancestors worshiped when they lived on the other side of the Euphrates River? Or will you serve the gods of the Amorites who lived in this land? You must choose for yourselves. But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15

Joshua gathered and spoke to all the Israelites at Shechem. He reminded, encouraged, and challenged them to faithfully obey, serve, and worship the Lord God of Israel until their last breath like Joshua did.
Joshua's divine mission was already fulfilled and the Lord was blessed, pleased, and glorified with his life. Any moment, he will meet and see the Lord face to face. I'm pretty sure the Lord welcomed him as one of His good and faithful servants who lived on earth.
That is why Joshua had peace and joy in his heart because he assured that the Israelites will continue to follow, obey, serve, and worship the Lord (vv. 16, 21,22, 24) and he assured also that his family will serve wholeheartedly the mighty God until the end of their lives mentioned in the last part of verse 15, "But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”
If we say, "Serve God until the end", it means that 100% of our heart, soul, mind, strength is dedicated, committed, and devoted only to the Lord, which means no other gods nor idols in our lives. Serving and worshiping God sincerely and faithfully through our Lord Jesus Christ must be done by all His children/servants forever. Even Satan was rebuked by Jesus, telling him to serve and worship God, found in Luke 4:8 which says,
"And Jesus answered him, It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.’" (ESV)
1. Who do you serve in your life? What is in your heart that occupies your mind and heart? God, idols, yourself? Better be sure.
2. Do you want to be honored by God? Serve Him until the end!
If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:26 (ESV)
Deuteronomy 5:32-33, 6:1-2, 10:12-13; Luke 4:8; John 12:26
Dear God, my desire and prayer is that all believers, my family and all the followers of Jesus Christ, honor and glorify Him 'til the end of their lives; that we may always gladly follow, obey, and do Your Will and serve You forever for Your glory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the assurance of empowerment. In Jesus' name. Amen!