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Writer's picturePtr. Jabez Caballero

Restless Without Christ’s All-Fulfilling Presence

Updated: Jan 26, 2022

Scripture Text: Song of Solomon 3:1-3

On my bed by night

I sought him whom my soul loves;

I sought him, but found him not.

Song of Solomon 3:1

There is an unknown reality that every man needs to know about their selves. This secret truth is provided and nowhere to be found but in God’s Word alone, for these words are trustworthy and true. The heart of man is set on a journey of seeking. That searching has been the thread to which man is holding as the invisible guide of their lives. The brutal truth is, that search is a voyage of impossibility. What is this journey? The endless reaching for fulfillment. Yes, this is the unknown and unchanging reality of every heart of man. For He has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

Believers of the Lord Jesus Christ are well aware of this unknown reality. In fact, this is very known to them, and they understand that fulfillment can only be found in the Beloved [Christ]. This is one fundamental difference believers have with the unbelievers – the believers have embarked themselves on a journey towards the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. Believers are awakened and are actively obeying the command of the Beloved [Christ], “Enter by the narrow gate”. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Yes, they [believers] know that life is found only in Him, our Lover-Redeemer, who says I am the way, and the truth, and the life. They know that, that life is ultimately satisfied and fulfilled by Him who has lovingly given it to them. On the other hand, the unbelievers have unknowingly entered the void and directionless journey of fulfilling the heart.

In a clearer way of saying it, there is no rest available for the heart of man until it is fulfilled in the Beloved [Christ]. The saying is trustworthy, that the greatest need of man is the love of God (or anything about Christ)! The love that He gives only to His people. The love that He Himself has said “I have loved you with an everlasting love”. The love that which we acclaim together with Psalmists, “His steadfast love is better than life itself.” This then goes to say that when one has entered into a relationship with the Beloved [Christ], he has entered a life that which is totally or completely dependent on the presence of the Lover-Redeemer, Christ. Yes, believers are restless without Christ’s all-fulfilling presence!

As the poem continues, this time with the maiden [Church] only, there is another display of what should the heart of a believer look like towards the Beloved [Christ]: “On my bed by night I sought him whom my soul loves; I sought him, but found him not. I will rise now and go about the city, in the streets and in the squares; I will seek him whom my soul loves. I sought him, but found him not. The watchmen found me as they went about in the city. 'Have you seen him whom my soul loves?'” (vv.1-3). This scene probably records another dream or daydream of the maiden, as in the previous chapter. The maiden woke in the middle of the night and instantly felt alone, longing for her beloved. She sought him but could not find him anywhere in the house. The maiden always longed for her beloved and wanted him close. Yet now, in the middle of the night, she felt the longing more intensely. She felt alone and longed for his presence, so she imagined herself seeking after him. The maiden allowed herself to feel needy without feeling helpless. She felt that she needed her beloved and did not have an artificial sense of self-sufficiency! The maiden knew it was not a bad thing for her to need her beloved. Her actions of seeking after him emphasizes the urgency and the depth of her searching.

Such is the case of a heart that has been awakened to the wonders of God’s love in the Beloved [Christ]! The heart is restless until it dwells in Christ’s all-fulfilling presence! While others compose themselves to sleep (rest), the real believers’ affections were working towards Him! There is perseverance and delight in searching for the Lover-Redeemer!

  • There is no contentment until the heart dwells safely in the heart of the Beloved!

  • There is no satisfaction until the heart lie downs in the Beloved’s serene love!

  • There is no fulfillment until the heart feels the heartbeat of the all-happy love of the Beloved!

There is enough rest in Christ’s all-happy and all-fulfilling presence. His name, Immanuel (which means, God is with us) is the heart’s unspeakable joy, and the song within the night that one can ever have. It is a good thing then to remind our hearts to seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near. Tell then to yourself constantly, The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

The real believer’s heart is awakened to perceive the wonders of God in the person of our Lover-Redeemer, Jesus Christ! From there, we learn to enthusiastically acclaim, oh taste and see that the LORD is good!

He who does not want know more of Him, knows nothing of Him yet…

Hear this then, dear saint! Now set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God.

Desire communion with Him, who has loved us eternally! Thirst and long for Him! Be in awe of Him, the darling of Heaven! He is all yours… He is all-perfect, all-holy, all-glorious and all-happy! Be exceedingly joyous in being His beloved. If you have truly seen Him, then He is your exceeding joy.

Nobody loves you like He does…

Christ is all that we have! Christ is all that we need!

Take heart, dear saint!


1. Do you find your heart unfulfilled when there is happiness and joy apart from Christ?

2. Do you find your heart at rest when everything is okay, but the presence of Christ is not apprehended?

3. Do you desire and long to love Him more, as you ought to be?


God cannot give rest to our hearts apart from His own dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who live upon Christ may have an infinite fresh supply of fulfillment and felicity that is new, and new still, and which never will come to an end. There is an ever increasing of blessedness in Christ’s all-fulfilling presence. That is the rest that our hearts truly need here, and hereafter.


Exodus 33:1-23; 1 Chronicles 16:8-11; Psalm 27:4


Father, I come before You in humility, in the grace that You have for us in Your own dear Son, to once again beg of Your great work towards me: that You renew my heart until it seeks Christ constantly. Please make my heart see that it is restless apart from Him! Make me so much dependent of His all-fulfilling presence! Make me dwell in His heat daily, that I may be filled and I may reflect His light. I long to have a heart that truly seeks delight in His person. This I pray, in His Name. Amen.

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