Scripture Text: Joshua 20:1-9
Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Say to the people of Israel, ‘Appoint the cities of refuge, of which I spoke to you through Moses,
Joshua 20:1-2

Part of the fulfilment of God's promises was the protection and security for His people (Israelites). When the people of Israel already settled in the land of Canaan, the Lord reminded Joshua to appoint six cities, three on the west side of the Jordan River, and three on the east (vv. 7 & 8), designated as refuge cities for those people (Israelites and foreigners) who have unintentionally killed someone. These people can safely enter one of the refuge cities and be protected from any of the victim's relatives who seek revenge until the trial could be held (v. 9).
However, if the people, whether Israelite or foreigner, who intentionally killed or murdered someone, would be killed also by the blood avenger-victim's relatives
(Numbers 35:16-21, 30).
The designation of six cities of refuge demonstrated the Lord's concerns that the land not only be duly allocated as an inheritance for the tribes but it be a land where justice prevails. All the foreigners who live in Israel are Included in this proclamation.
God made laws in the land to protect the innocent people from the arrogant, unrighteous and evil people. One of the innocent victims (used as an illustration) was mentioned in the parable of the Lord found in Luke 18:1-8, the persistent old widowed woman who seeks justice from her adversary. The earthly judge saw her sincerity and she prayed persistently. He found her innocent from the case filed against her by the adversary that's why the earthly judge granted justice in favor of the widow.
God knows and sees everything in us; our heart, soul, mind, motive, and actions towards Him and to people. Even our difficulties in life, problems, situations, circumstances, etc. There is no secret in Him.
Therefore, as true follower-believer of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, we need Him now and forever as our stronghold/refuge in times of trouble. He is our rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, horn of our salvation and His way is perfect. The Lord knows those who take refuge in Him and His words, promises, proved true. That's why we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope of eternal life set before us.
1. In your current situation, are you in dire need for refuge?
2. Are you aware that there is a strong and safe refuge in God through His Son, Jesus?
3. Do you want to take this refuge that God offers without cost on your part?
4. Do you believe that once you take this refuge, it is equivalent to entrusting your life to Jesus?
5. Do you believe that this mighty refuge in Jesus is perfect and never fails?
For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God? This God is my strong refuge and has made my way blameless
2 Samuel 22:32-33
Numbers 35:6-34; 2Samuel 22:2-4, 31-33; Nahum 1:7; Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2
Dear God, I acknowledge that You are the true God, and the God of all, the only Creator and Savior. Your way is perfect. Your words, promises, covenant are true and You are the only refuge for Your people. Thank You Lord for Your unending love, grace, mercy, protection, security to us as Your people. Thank You Lord for Your presence through the presence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in us. In Jesus' mighty Name. Amen!