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Writer's picturePtr. Jabez Caballero

My Worth in His Love, My Beauty in His Heart

Scripture Text: Song of Solomon 1:5

I am very dark, but lovely,

O daughters of Jerusalem,

like the tents of Kedar,

like the curtains of Solomon.

Song of Solomon 1:5

Most people in this world will agree that they are the worst person in their own eyes. In this tragic reality, it is where our hearts rise to seek for worth and beauty in someone’s heart. But as His beloved [bride of Christ/recipient of God’s everlasting love], don’t you know that your worth and your beauty does not come from your own? Don’t you know that you don’t have to work hard anymore to get an approval, acceptance and assurance from this world? For your Lover-Redeemer sees you differently than anyone! It may be difficult to believe because of our frailties, waywardness, immaturities, but know this in faith and hope that He loves us! That He is in covenantal-relationship with us! He has loved us with an everlasting love, and nothing can change that! For God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

While that you think that you are a failure, in His heart you are His joy!

While that you think that you are a rubbish and dross, in His heart you are His peculiar possession!

While that you think that you are unacceptable, in His heart you are dearly loved! And it is where you truly belong!

Is it because we have something commendable and worthy of praise? By no means! But it is because of Him! We have our worth because of His love showed in the cross, and we have our beauty because He has fixed His heart upon us! We are accepted as who we are, not because of ourselves but because of who He is!

Then it goes to say that our worth, our beauty is not in our own! Not in what we have, not in the strength of flesh and bone, but in the everlasting love of our Lover-Redeemer—Jesus Christ!

Knowing this then only results in a paradox of humility and boasting in complete harmony. Humility that apart from His love, we are worthless, but boasting in this same love—the source of our real value in this life, here and hereafter! There goes our acclamation in unity with the bride, “I am very dark, but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon (v.5).” A confession of one self’s contemptible and deformity, yet lovely—glorious from within, and comely through the beauty which our Lover-Redeemer has put upon us by His graces! For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace! We have our salvation, our forgiveness, our new identity through our Lover-Redeemer, Jesus Christ—God’s personified grace!

Having this in mind reminds us that His steadfast love is better than life itself! For apart from it, who are we? Where would we be apart from His loving-commitments? What is our tomorrow if the steadfast love of the Lord ceases? We may be wandering in our own darkened hearts, or drowning in our sinfulness, or marching towards our own destruction, or ushering ourselves in our own death.

Indeed, there is no value that we can find in our own selves. In fact, even our most pious deeds are nothing but a rubbish garb in the sight of God. But for every look, at ourselves, take a ten look at Christ, our Lover-Redeemer! He is altogether lovely! Such infinite majesty, and yet such meekness and grace, and all for sinners, even the chief!

Rejoice then in your Lover-Redeemer, dear saint! For He is our greatest treasure! He is the wellspring of our soul.

In Christ, God’s face shines out, full of grace and gentleness to us, poor, unworthy sinners!

Hear this then dear saint: whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the LORD.

Desire communion with Him, who has loved us eternally! Thirst and long for Him! Be in awe of Him – the darling of Heaven! He is all yours… He is all-perfect, all-holy, all-glorious and all-happy! Be exceedingly joyous in being His beloved. If you have truly seen Him, then He is your exceeding joy.

Nobody loves you like He does…

Christ is all that we have! Christ is all that we need!

Take heart, dear saint!


1. Is the love of God in Christ the source of your confidence in this life?

2. Do you see yourself worthless apart from the love of Christ?

3. Do you desire and long to love Him more, as you ought to be?


The love of Christ is what we truly need here and hereafter. While that we are awaiting His return, His love is what will complete our joy in our lives. This is our comfort and confidence.


Psalm 32:1-2; Micah 7:18-20; Jeremiah 33:8-9; Luke 7:47-50


Father we come to You in prayer, in the Name of your dearly beloved Son, to ask for what should be asked for more—to see Him and behold Him intimately. We understand that He is all that we need, and we also understand that He is all that we have. Please let us see that Your love in Him is our greatest need—that we might find our comfort and confidence in it. Grant us continuously in Your rich and immeasurable grace an exalted view of Him, a higher, wider, deeper view of His love and the happiness that we can find in it. This we pray, in His Name, Amen.

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