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Writer's pictureRev. Rumel Caballero

Looking To Our Only Blessed Hope

Scripture Text: Habakkuk 2:12-20

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14

One of the best-known statues in the world, found at many courthouses, features Lady Justice, often wearing a blindfold and holding a sword in one hand and balances in the other. This statue dates back to Greek and Roman times. The balances or scales represent impartiality or objectivity; the double-edged sword symbolizes the power wielded by judges and juries; and the blindfold indicates that justice does not play favorites based on status, wealth, or any other factor.

The scales of justice are divinely guaranteed to balance in the end, God told Habakkuk in today's reading. This is part two of His response to the prophet's second question, as well as the third, fourth, and fifth woes pronounced against the Babylonians.

The third woe (vv. 12-14) focuses on the rotten foundations of the coming Babylonian empire. A city built on bloodshed cannot stand. A kingdom built on violence and military conquest will not endure. It is the plans of the sovereign God that prevail, not human endeavors and especially not wicked ones. Such things are merely “fuel for the fire,” a chasing after the wind. In the end, history is about the earth being “filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.”

The fourth woe (vv. 15-17) addresses the issue of exploitation. Babylon will be like a person who gets someone else drunk in order to take advantage of them sexually. The picture here implies not just voyeurism but rape—a shameful, sinful, violent, and violating act. This is what it is like to conquer and plunder other nations, and this is why they'll reap what they sow. Just as they get others drunk, so to speak, so they themselves will drink the cup of God's wrath.

The fifth and final woe (vv. 18-20) condemns idolatry. Instead of worshiping handmade “gods,” people are created to worship their Creator. Idols are silent and powerless, but one day the whole earth will be silent before the power and majesty of the one true God.


1. How do you feel when you see evil and the problems of this world?

2. Do you always look to the only blessed Hope you have?

3. Does the return of Christ and His rule in glory and righteousness diminish the frustration you feel?


From the human standpoint, there is no solution for the problems of the world. Leaders seem to be completely frustrated in trying to deal with the unrest and increasing violence in society. The only complete and permanent solution is found in the return of Christ. When He comes, He will set up His kingdom. He will rule the nations in righteousness, and "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14).

Dear readers, as we await our Savior's return, let us keep on praying, working, and watching, while "looking for the blessed hope" - our only hope for this world. - Richard W. De Haan (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved)


Psalm 72:19; Isaiah 11:9; Titus 2:12-13; Revelation 11:15; 15:4


Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, make my heart always looking for the return of Your Son who is my only hope. Make me one that eagerly waits for His return to save me and be in His rule in glory and righteousness. Remind me to pray more, work more for His kingdom and watch more of myself and the unfolding of the history as Your story. This I pray in the name of Your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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