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Writer's picturePtr. Jabez Caballero

Little Do We Know that We are More than Welcome

Scripture Text: Song of Solomon 1:8

If you do not know,

O most beautiful among women,

follow in the tracks of the flock,

and pasture your young goats

beside the shepherds' tents.

Song of Solomon 1:8

We, as His bride [recipient of God’s everlasting love] in this imperfect state, know but in part, that we are ignorant of many things, and in some measure of ourselves. For though we know much of our sinfulness and deceitfulness in our hearts, we know not at all, and of our imperfections and weaknesses, yet not the whole of it. Christians do not have a perfect knowledge of who Christ is and what He has accomplished for us, and His truths, and are sometimes at a loss to know where He is, His word is purely preached, and His ordinances faithfully administered. That is why while we are living in this word, it must be our never ending aim that we may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length, height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God – which is the sum of all! This is perfection far beyond a bare freedom from sin!

To know the love of our Lover-Redeemer is the perfect state of the blessed life that we have in Him—His redemption. It is about discovering the glory of true and infinite life (being the beloved). From it we learn that we shouldn’t be seeking for anything else but Him alone. His love, grace, mercy, kindness, glory and holiness is truly enough for those who have come to know deeply who his Lover-Redeemer really is.

Little do we know that as long as we have Christ, our Lover-Redeemer, we need not worry of anything! Heaven has nothing to offer anymore, for He is the source of the infinite beauty there. Little do we know that lacking intimacy with Him is our own downfall. For we know that He has said once that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”—lack of knowledge of who Christ is, what we have in Him, and what He has done for us. But in this littleness, little do we know that we are more than welcome to Him!

He”, our Lover-Redeemer is speaking, “if you do not know, O most beautiful among women (v. 8a).” Our immaturities with our relationship with Him doesn’t alter the love that He has for us! Our frailty, waywardness, every worst thing that we could possibly ever think of ourselves doesn’t change the depths of His heart for us! He never sees us as worthless or rubbish, but He treasures us and He delights in doing so! He is acutely aware of every skeleton in the closet, but nevertheless has fixed His heart towards us. “Follow in the tracks of the flock, and pasture your young goats beside the shepherds’ tents (v.8b).” Poetically, the beloved tells the maiden where she can find him—just follow the flocks. He welcomes her presence and companionship and is happy to have her with him.

Can you ever comprehend how a holy, majestic and glorious God would be happy to have us—poor and unworthy sinner? This is all because of His love. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

This is the deep and vast and mighty love of our Lover-Redeemer! Because of this, we are more than welcome, little do we know! Our Lover-Redeemer is really worthy of all—all of our affections, thoughts, energy—He is worth living for!

The real believer’s heart is awaken to perceive the wonders of God in the person of our Lover-Redeemer, Jesus Christ! From there, we learn to enthusiastically acclaim, oh taste and see that the LORD is good!

He who does not know more of Him, knows nothing of Him yet…

Hear this then, dear saint! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Desire communion with Him, who has loved us eternally! Thirst and long for Him! Be in awe of Him—the darling of Heaven! He is all yours… He is all-perfect, all-holy, all-glorious and all-happy! Be exceedingly joyous in being His beloved. If you have truly seen Him, then He is your exceeding joy.

Nobody loves you like He does…

Christ is all that we have! Christ is all that we need!

Take heart, dear saint!


1. How much confidence in your Christian walk do you draw from the love of our Lord Jesus Christ?

2. How much of His great love has caused you to draw to Him more closely?

3. Do you desire and long to love Him more, as you ought to?


The love of God in Christ is always most precious to the man who lives upon it.


John 8:1-11; Matthew 15:21-28


Father, we come to You in prayer, in the name of Your Son, to humbly ask of one thing today—that You might grant us the heart that will live upon Your love, perfectly manifested in the works of Your Son. That our hearts will long to know Him more, and that we may have the confidence to come closely to His heart for us. Please incline our hearts towards Him, that we may value Him as we ought to be. Please set our affections toward Him, that we may love Him as we ought to, and please seal our eyes towards Him, that we may make it our ultimate aim to run with endurance to Him, our portion, our everything. This we pray in His Name. Amen!

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