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Writer's pictureBro. Jojo Torreja

God's Instruction is of Paramount Importance

Scripture Text: Joshua 6:1-5

And when they make a long blast with the ram’s horn, when you hear the sound of the trumpet, then all the people shall shout with a great shout, and the wall of the city will fall down flat, and the people shall go up, everyone straight before him.”

Joshua 6:5

One of the famous stories in the Book of Joshua was the fall of Jericho's great wall. Prior to that, God instructed Joshua on what to do, that he and the whole congregation of Israel must obey (vv. 3-5). The Lord assured the City of Jericho as His first gift to His people (v. 2).

The law of God is easy to follow to those whose hearts are truly circumcised by Christ. They will obey the instructions or commandments of our mighty Lord faithfully. They will listen to the Word of God carefully, meditate it, share and apply it at all times. However, true followers of God through Christ are not exempted from any persecution or suffering, but the Lord will always rescue them. That is why Apostle Paul encourages all of Christ's followers to continue on what they have learned from God through His Word, and firmly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that He is the only Lord, Savior, and His Word is the ultimate truth.

The Lord assures success for His people, that's why He always gives special favors to them. However, the wicked people will face consequences because they ignore the words and instructions of the Lord.


1. Do you constantly follow God's instructions?

2. Do you enjoy the benefits of obeying Christ's instructions?

3. Do you value the importance of Çhrist's instructions to save souls?


God glorifies and rewards people who obey and follow all the instructions in the written Scripture, but He is dishonored by those who ignored and rejected His instructions written in the Bible.


2 Timothy 3:10-17


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You because You give me ears to hear Your words, eyes to see the beauty of Your works, a circumcised heart to feel Your unending love, a tongue to proclaim and share Your salvation. Help me, Lord, to do what pleases You. Help me, Lord, to do all Your instructions for saving souls through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In Your Name. Amen!

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