Scripture Text: Song of Solomon 2:4
He brought me to the banqueting house,
and his banner over me was love.
Song of Solomon 2:4
The obvious effect of knowing the everlasting love of God in Christ is having fullness of Him. This is the grandest happiness that one can ever have, and this is our infinite blessedness. This is the reason why it must be our highest aim, that we may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length, height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God – which is the sum of all! Nothing is more consoling and fulfilling than to know personally and intimately the greatness of God’s love for us. This is everlasting love, and it is unchangeable. That is why we have our ultimate security in the Beloved [Christ] that if He has loved us during our darkest, none can change the fact that He will remain to love us for He is overflowing with this holy love!
One of the most neglected blessings that we have because of His great love for us is that we are made or brought near to His heart—the place where we truly belong. He brought us near because this is His delight! This is glory to us—we, undeserving and vile, yet this perfect and infinitely beautiful God in the face of the Beloved [Christ] has pledged Himself in covenant of which He will dwell with us forever!
This overflowing love that He has was greatly expressed in the poem, as the dialogue between the Beloved [Christ] and the beloved/maiden [Church] continues: “He brought me to the banqueting house,” (v.4a); the banqueting house which is more literally “house of wine” is in the sense of storage or production where the wine is grown (i.e., a vineyard). It is an outdoor secluded place where the maiden [Church] and her Beloved [Christ] could be together and celebrate the love that they have for each other—intimacy. In light of this, here we also see the proclamation of the maiden [Church] about the love of the Beloved/King [Christ], that it is evident to everyone! He is not ashamed of his love for her, so he is glad for all to see it! What he has declared to her in private, he also declares it publicly because this is his unspeakable delight—“and his banner over me was love” (v.4b).
This is the reality of every believer who has found the Lover-Redeemer as their greatest and priceless treasure. To be intimate with Him is their ultimate happiness in this world. His intimacy is what will complete the joy a believer has. For to us, His intimate love is our sum of good! And a real believer will always know that His steadfast love is better than life itself!
The real believer’s heart is awakened to perceive the wonders of God in the person of our Lover-Redeemer, Jesus Christ! From there, we learn to enthusiastically acclaim, oh taste and see that the LORD is good!
He who does not want know more of Him, knows nothing of Him yet…
Hear this then, dear saint! But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.
Desire communion with Him, who has loved us eternally! Thirst and long for Him! Be in awe of Him, the darling of Heaven! He is all yours… He is all-perfect, all-holy, all-glorious and all-happy! Be exceedingly joyous in being His beloved. If you have truly seen Him, then He is your exceeding joy.
Nobody loves you like He does…
Christ is all that we have! Christ is all that we need!
Take heart, dear saint!
1. How much intimacy do you seek with the Beloved [Christ]?
2. Do you consider it as your blessedness to be proudly loved by Christ before the Father?
3. Do you desire and long to love Him more, as you ought to be?
To enjoy Christ, who is the center of our rest and the fountain of our blessedness, is what will truly fill our empty hearts. Therefore, it is our only agenda to seek intimacy with Him.
John 6:40-44; John 6:64-71
Father, we come to You in prayer and in the name of Your Son, to once again ask of the greatest gift that we could ever ask, and that is to behold Your Son more and more, and His everlasting love for us. Please set our affections to where it really belongs—to your Son. Incline our hearts and make us hope in Him more and more, as how the Old Testament saints longed and hoped for His arrival, as how the New Testament saints celebrated His indwelling, and how they again long for the eternal dwelling of your Son, the loveliest being that have ever known. This we pray in His name. Amen.