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Writer's pictureBro. Jojo Torreja

Be Strong and Courageous in Christ

Scripture Text: Joshua 1:1-9

Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua 1:6

Joshua was God's chosen servant like Moses and he was prepared to fulfill God's covenant to our spiritual forefathers, and the Lord commissioned him to inherit the Promised Land for the Israelites (physical inheritance).

Joshua's background

• He lived through the bitter realities of slavery in Egypt when he was a youth.

• He witnessed the supernatural plagues and miracles of Israel's escape from the army of the Egyptians when the sea opened before them.

• He represented his tribe Ephraim very well

• He was developed by God as a good warrior and a good statesman

• He was a good spy with God's wisdom together with his friend Caleb

• He was allowed by God to accompany Moses up to the holy mountain where the tablets of the Ten Commandments were received.

• He followed the Lord faithfully and obeyed God's will.

• In the earlier time of his life, he was called simply Hoshea, meaning "salvation", but later Moses changed his name to Joshua, meaning "The Lord saves" or "The Lord gives victory".

Joshua knew that to lead the people of Israel and to conquer the Promised Land were not easy tasks but for the sake of God and the Israelites, he faced the challenges without hesitation, that is why he obeyed and trusted the true God wholeheartedly.

However, the Lord reminded Joshua that without His presence, he will never be able to conquer the place nor win the battle against the established armies and allies of people who lived in Canaan for a long period of time. God encouraged Joshua to "be strong and courageous" (v6a, v7a v9a). It means that the Lord assured Joshua's full protection (v5, v9b), full wisdom (v7a, v8a), and full victory (v7b, 8b).

The God of Joshua is the same God who is commanding us to go into the battle field (world) and proclaim the Good News about Jesus—the true God and only Mediator of the new covenant—so that those who are prepared to save may receive the promised eternal inheritance because our Lord Jesus is the fulfilment of old covenant up to eternity.

Before, we were condemned and not included in the eternal inheritance, but because of His unending love, He extended His grace and mercy and He adopted us as His proper people. Our Lord Jesus promised and assured us full protection, wisdom, and victory while we are exploring the world for the lost souls, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.


1. When God calls you and prepares for a divine task, what is your first reaction?

2. From whom do you seek guidance, protection, and wisdom? From your friends, yourself, or from Christ?

3. Which one do you desire most: physical inheritance or eternal inheritance?


• A true believer of Christ must long for eternal inheritance rather than physical inheritance.

• The manifestation of being strong and courageous in Christ is when we are proclaiming the Gospel and doing His will in our entire life.

• The assurance for our daily victory is only Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit; we cannot win the battle without Him.


Hebrews 9:15; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 18:9-10


Dear God, thank You for the daily protection, wisdom, and victory You give us especially in the midst of crisis due to the pandemic. Thank You because the Holy Spirit is always with us as You promised. Thank You because You always sustain our strength and faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank You for the salvation You extended us and we thank You Father for the eternal inheritance You prepared for us. In Jesus' mighty Name. Amen!

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